Unlock-able side story that is (like exotic bounties without PvP)....
Play it and unlock it. So it is just a side story with a new way to play IT OUT. :0!!
Who asked for that? We all are still missing the main storyline. It´s not fai and it´s not justified. We were promised something completely different and this is just another (obvious and stupid) way to make us play more. The same old copypasta over and over again (hey but your motivation changed at least). Like: "Crap! Still need a fireteam to learn what happened down in Crota!" Yes i´m very critical about this game - why shouldn´t i? I payed around 140$ for the damned steel box and i´m expecting simply more for that. Bungie doesn´t deliver? Ok - never buy a Bungie product again is the right consequence (i´m sharing this unpleasant experience of course).
Bungie makes the game, but ACTIVISION is the publisher and therefor has final say on the direction. Bungie seems to want this to be an epic game, but the publisher (ACTIVISION) is more worried about profit margins. Duping us with "dlc" already in game is a great way to up that profit margin. I just hope bungie's reputation doesnt die with destiny, because let's face it, the actual game mechanics are pretty flawless in my opinion. But story, dlc, and all that stuff is being ruined by ACTIVISION.
Edited by Prozog: 11/3/2014 9:47:10 PMFYI: New mission = Take old names of bosses, missions, strikes out.... Insert Eris new mission, bosses, strike names. I will even make bets! OHH new bounty slots... BOO! If they do not get it together. 1. I will be going ESO very soon 2. May pick up COD AW when XOMBIES is released. 3. May even go to WoW.
Did you hear (read) someone ranting like: "This is sh*t give me more bounties or i´m done!"? Just wanted to add that thought.
No just my opinion of what our NEW bounties will be.
"New" exactly -.-
I feel they will be RE-HASHED....