*runs out of safe zone immediately sees reaper and sees another player fighting it. I sneak up and open fire on the reaper
*Reaper dismembers its combatant, turns attention to you You are screwed. What is your next course of action?
Sees a barricade door is open and has a access panel on the other side. Runs through and sh$&@s bricks while closing the door.
Run the $&@% away while grabbing a knife on the floor
*Reaper kills him*
[spoiler]>Instantly makes self a Games Master >Doesn't ask Ktan at all [/spoiler]
> Implying he won't get killed by the Reaper
Oh, he will.
Thanks, knew et
[spoiler]> implying he can't run[/spoiler]
> Implying he wanted to
>Implying you can run from something capable of sprinting at 70 MPH.
There is nothing that says anything about running at 70 mph
> You just got rekt