1.The unbelievable amount of lag.
2.The Suros Regime is in every dickheads hands. (If there was a gun that deserved a nerf, it's this gun.)
3.Getting Titan smashed if I'm 20 feet in the air. I can't understand this for the life of me. It seems logical if I've jumped into the air I could avoid this.
4.The ridiculousness of the Hunters button spamming and killing everyone within 200 yards of him.
3. Look carefully next time. It creates a dome when a Titan uses FoH. It's faint, but it's there.
i always wonder why this happened, i even play as a striker titan during crucible and wonder how i get people or they get me in the air
This. Just imagine every Titan having the giant purple bubble.
I agree with 3, although I imagine Bungie would argue that allowing jumping to negate the effects would make that super UP, because this is the game where everything is OP and UP, in need of a nerf and a buff. I've never seen such ridiculousness with any game. Ever... But back to my point. I've actually been killed by a fist of havoc when I was standing on a platform 15 feet above the ground that was smashed. Now that's some BS.
the smash fires off a DOME shaped blast.. same as the nova bomb... its not some pansy shockwave that is only on ground level.