[quote]I understand this game is not what they said it would be and they took so much stuff out and are trying to now sell it back to us in chunks but I don't care about all that. This is still the best video game I have ever played and I will continue to buy there new stuff as it comes out. You guys all need to stop whining about how the game is not right but also saying you love the game. If you don't like it then don't play its that simple. Even if this game is actually only 10% of the original concept it is an amazing idea. This game may get repetitive but it's still the most fun game out and super addicting. Thank you bungie for the game even if it's not what you wanted it to be I love it.
I know you guys probably don't read all these comments but there is one thing that I would love to see in future destiny and that is a larger selection of crucible matches. I'm a huge fan of capture the flag. I would not leave my room for days if you added capture the flag and a few others for all the other people that complain to much.
Lastly just ignore the haters bungie. You guys know you got a good game and you can only make it better from here. Don't let all those snobby stuck up nerds think that they are right in any way. But at the same time add more content haha. Thanks[/quote]
So... how long have you been working for Bungie? Or is it Activision? Either way it must be nice getting paid just to troll forums giving positive reviews.
For the first week I defended Destiny. Week 2 and 3 I offered suggestions on how to turn the game around.
Now, I'm just looking forward to DA Inquisition, AC Unity, and MCC.
This game is a sham. This game is a travesty. This game is a mockery.
This game is a traveshamockery.
For the time and money put into development on Destiny they could have at least had a story line that made sense.
"You have been brought back to life by robo-Dinkledge. We will call you 'guardian'. The giant orb things that travels through space is known as "the traveler." The traveler has given you bad ass super powers. Every story must have a good and evil so let's say the traveler is good, since it gave you bad ass super powers. We'll say that the good side is the light. Now there is something out there, nobody knows what, but something out there has to be the evil side. We'll call that "the darkness!" Yes, very sinister.
Since we don't know what the darkness actually is, you should go kill this aliens unquestioningly. Why? Hmmm...they serve the darkness? Yes, yes, they serve the darkness. The traveler has given you bad ass super powers so you should use then to go kill this different alien things that we will say serve the darkness.
Enter the "stranger" who says, "do what you've been doing and kill shit, and if you live, come find me and I will give you more shit to kill. In order to kill this shit you must go see the "queen." The Queen will tell you what to kill so you can get something that will allow you to go to a place where you can kill something else. Once you've done this, I will give you my gun, so you can kill more shit."
Oh yeah, and there is a "speaker" who speaks for the traveler. He tells you....things. Not many things though, as he is the voice of a dead planetoid, and dead planetoids don't have many things to say.
After you have killed shit for some time the "architects" will unlock more of the universe for you to travel to and...kill shit.
The end...for now. Please insert your wallet to continue the story of how much shit you'll get to kill.
Awesome reply, and traveshamockery is now my new favourite word.
Thanks. I made a few grammatical errors since I typed it on my phone but I think I got my point across.
Definitely, I'd say in 500 words you've summed up Destiny in its entirety. This game has completely split the community, it's like the marmite of games. People either love it unquestioningly, or hate it with a fierce passion.
Yeah, but I did forget to mention the back stories on the various factions... Oh wait. No I didn't.
All the factions really like it when you take scans of A/C units and pre-traveler tanks.