I think continuing this trend of Playstation exclusives is a very bad idea. If you keep it up, by the time the fourth (one for each enemy race) DLC comes out, PS users will have twice the content as Xbox. They'll have payed the same amount as Xbox users, but have double the in-game activities and items. THAT is poor decision making. Just by doing this, you have excluded thousands of Xbox gamers, that are guaranteed to not even consider buying Destiny 2 as a result. From a financial standpoint, that is millions of dollars lost because of a stupid decision to continue favoring Playstation.
You clearly won't listen to our voices here. Maybe you'll listen when it affects your wallet. Go tell Activision that while you're happy to be their bitch, we, the CONSUMERS, are not. When you're staring at a plummeting sales marker that goes below the 'defecit' line, remember that it was YOUR doing, and yours alone. Hope that makes you happy.
I don't care one shit about Xbox and their fan boys. I was looking forward to play Titan Fall on PS and walla Microsoft with their greedy selfish self took that away from me. If i seems harsh well too bad, as the guy said below in not so many words go screw your self.
I guess it's a good thing you're not Bungie or Activision then, and that this comment wasn't directed at you. You're not the one who'll wind up with a multi-million deficit in the end. Microsoft made the mistake of not porting Titanfall, and look how much money they lost as a result. This is about exclusion and revenue. Not fanboyism.
[quote]I don't care one shit about Xbox and their fan boys. I was looking forward to play Titan Fall on PS and walla Microsoft with their greedy selfish self took that away from me. If i seems harsh well too bad, as the guy said below in not so many words go screw your self.[/quote] Shut up moron
Me as a PlayStation owner had to suffer from this with other games, for instance Skyrim.(Best part was that when the dlc was released it was crashing all the time) It's all 'bout the money
Then buy a playstation
[quote]Then buy a playstation[/quote] Don't be silly
They will make it up with halo
They don't own Halo anymore. 343 does. Destiny is all they have left in terms of rights and income.
I'm saying Xbox doesn't care...