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11/4/2014 7:20:42 AM

dat apologist logic

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[b][i]a selection of posts that represent a good number of similar arguments[/i][/b] [u]Abyssal Shift posted[/u]: [quote]I think the point you are missing that even though they are bosses they are still a part of the race they are. The Archon is a fallen, he is going to look like other Fallen, other Archons. The same thing with the Cabal, Hive, and Vex. It wouldn't make sense if they looked different.[/quote] Ah, that explains the hundreds of examples in gaming where bosses don't look exactly like previous enemies with different colors/skins. Are you telling me that it is impossible to design a boss that looks different than the rest of the bad guys but still maintains the art style and theme established by the rest of the faction/group/race/species/etc? Dat apologist logic. [u]SnakeDoc518 posted[/u]: [quote]EVERY SINGLE TIME i see one of these posts(xbox users whining about timed exclusive content), it annoys the living shit out of is it that you all have forgotten that you got THE ENTIRE halo series? that was an entire SERIES of entire GAMES, that was exclusive to your console of choice....and now you want to whine, and complain about a few extra piece of content that playstation is getting, and is only going to have all to themselves for a little while? jesus christ, first world problems strike again..[/quote] Thing is Bungie didn't charge PS2/PS3 owners 60 bucks and tell them they were gonna give them Halo somewhere down the line. That's because they were owned by Microsoft at the time. Now they aren't. Apples. Oranges. Times change. Dat apologist logic. [u]Randomizm posted:[/u] [quote]You're a -blam!-ing idiot, just like everyone else bitching about "disk locked content". There is no other word that more adequately describes you -blam!-s than "idiot" You -blam!-s obviously don't play any other type of game, and have 0 experience with game development. It's getting really sickening to see all you -blam!-ing casuals feel as tho you're being robbed for what is common practice in every single studio on the planet.[/quote] You're the casual, bro. You let companies chop up products to be sold into pieces... worse, you defend it or invalidate others for questioning unethical business practices. Wanna know something cool? The video game industry makes more money than Hollywood and the music industry combined while having lower operating costs. This industry isn't struggling to stay afloat, it's looking to maximize profit at the expense of the consumer. Further, why do we need game dev experience? We are the consumer, one of the biggest factors in the GDP. We don't have time for that shit. We got an economy to support. And does that mean that every critic of movies, games, books, art, etc., has an invalid opinion unless they've made movies, games, books, art, etc. before? Dat apologist logic. [u]Apologist A posted[/u]: [quote] lol you have 30 hours played/2 days played/100 hours played/etc/etc and you're complaining? wtf idiot they did something right[/quote] [u]Apologist B posted[/u]: [quote] lol noob you haven't even done the raid you've never experienced REAL Destiny. you can't talk till you raid scrub[/quote] Okay, so I can't judge the game if I don't clear everything + the raid. Which takes time because loot is completely RNG save for some few instances where your RNG chances go up slightly. Artificial lengthening of a game's lifespan. But if someone puts in enough time to do all of the game's content and clear the raid, then they can't complain because they've played for X amount of hours and have gotten their money's worth. Dat apologist logic. [u]KizzleMyAzzle posted[/u]: [quote]exactly what I do many times ans some of my friends laugh at me and think its stupid but it is a hobby and when i pay 60€ for a game and spend 60 h playing it its a pretty cheap hobby.[/quote] First of all, it's not a hobby. It's a game. Making you run the same 5 strikes, with bosses that are bigger versions of enemies you've seen before + one raid with bosses that are bigger versions of enemies you've seen before. That's not 60 hours worth of content. That's 8 hours of content altered slightly and used over and over and over again. Dat apologist logic. More will be added as I find more posts.

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  • Also, because you really just deserve this bump for riding that bandwagon of hate so quietly, your argument commits a logical fallacy. To clear things up please tag texassharpshooter and fallaciouslogic. But just so you recognize who this is: [quote]A: Apologetics (from Greek ἀπολογία, "speaking in defense") is the discipline of defending a position (often religious) through the systematic use of information. Early Christian writers (c. 120–220) who defended their faith against critics and recommended their faith to outsiders were called apologists. [i] so any argument with a backbone is an apologists argument[/i] B: this is a hobby, are you mlg? No? Then it's a hobby. And a hobby that gets you to interact with it fit so much hours is clearly worth that price. C: yes you have the right to criticize, everyone does. But that does not entitle you to having bungie change their image. D: you feel cheated, and you feel cheated because you failed to read the fine print: likely to change. This is no ones daily but your own. E: [b]DON'T FU[i]C[/i]KING NAME DROP YOU INCONSIDERATE ASS[/b] F: [quote][b][i]a selection of posts that represent a good number of similar arguments[/i][/b] [quote]I think the point you are missing that even though they are bosses they are still a part of the race they are. The Archon is a fallen, he is going to look like other Fallen, other Archons. The same thing with the Cabal, Hive, and Vex. It wouldn't make sense if they looked different.[/quote] Ah, that explains the hundreds of examples in gaming where bosses don't look exactly like previous enemies with different colors/skins. Are you telling me that it is impossible to design a boss that looks different than the rest of the bad guys but still maintains the art style and theme established by the rest of the faction/group/race/species/etc? Dat apologist logic. [quote]EVERY SINGLE TIME i see one of these posts(xbox users whining about timed exclusive content), it annoys the living shit out of is it that you all have forgotten that you got THE ENTIRE halo series? that was an entire SERIES of entire GAMES, that was exclusive to your console of choice....and now you want to whine, and complain about a few extra piece of content that playstation is getting, and is only going to have all to themselves for a little while? jesus christ, first world problems strike again..[/quote] Thing is Bungie didn't charge PS2/PS3 owners 60 bucks and tell them they were gonna give them Halo somewhere down the line. That's because they were owned by Microsoft at the time. Now they aren't. Apples. Oranges. Times change. Dat apologist logic. [quote]You're a -blam!-ing idiot, just like everyone else bitching about "disk locked content". There is no other word that more adequately describes you -blam!-s than "idiot" You -blam!-s obviously don't play any other type of game, and have 0 experience with game development. It's getting really sickening to see all you -blam!-ing casuals feel as tho you're being robbed for what is common practice in every single studio on the planet.[/quote] You're the casual, bro. You let companies chop up products to be sold into pieces... worse, you defend it or invalidate others for questioning unethical business practices. Wanna know something cool? The video game industry makes more money than Hollywood and the music industry combined while having lower operating costs. This industry isn't struggling to stay afloat, it's looking to maximize profit at the expense of the consumer. Further, why do we need game dev experience? We are the consumer, one of the biggest factors in the GDP. We don't have time for that shit. We got an economy to support. And does that mean that every critic of movies, games, books, art, etc., has an invalid opinion unless they've made movies, games, books, art, etc. before? Dat apologist logic. [quote] lol you have 30 hours played/2 days played/100 hours played/etc/etc and you're complaining? wtf idiot they did something right[/quote] [quote] lol noob you haven't even done the raid you've never experienced REAL Destiny. you can't talk till you raid scrub[/quote] Okay, so I can't judge the game if I don't clear everything + the raid. Which takes time because loot is completely RNG save for some few instances where your RNG chances go up slightly. Artificial lengthening of a game's lifespan. But if someone puts in enough time to do all of the game's content and clear the raid, then they can't complain because they've played for X amount of hours and have gotten their money's worth. Dat apologist logic. [quote]exactly what I do many times ans some of my friends laugh at me and think its stupid but it is a hobby and when i pay 60€ for a game and spend 60 h playing it its a pretty cheap hobby.[/quote] First of all, it's not a hobby. It's a game. Making you run the same 5 strikes, with bosses that are bigger versions of enemies you've seen before + one raid with bosses that are bigger versions of enemies you've seen before. That's not 60 hours worth of content. That's 8 hours of content altered slightly and used over and over and over again. Dat apologist logic. More will be added as I find more posts.[/quote] Dat apologist logic.[/quote]

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  • Feel free to judge the game - everyone has a right to. But, when you start judging other people for not sharing your opinion, or calling out people with an opinion different from your own, you have already shown your true colors. Arguments stand on their own merits, not through picking on others whom you don't agree with. If you want a grown-up conversation with everyone, you need to behave like a grown-up. Leave the name-calling and childish behavior on the playground, and you might actually get some level of discussion.

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    1 Reply
    • A: Apologetics (from Greek ἀπολογία, "speaking in defense") is the discipline of defending a position (often religious) through the systematic use of information. Early Christian writers (c. 120–220) who defended their faith against critics and recommended their faith to outsiders were called apologists. [i] so any argument with a backbone is an apologists argument[/i] B: this is a hobby, are you mlg? No? Then it's a hobby. And a hobby that gets you to interact with it fit so much hours is clearly worth that price. C: yes you have the right to criticize, everyone does. But that does not entitle you to having bungie change their image. D: you feel cheated, and you feel cheated because you failed to read the fine print: likely to change. This is no ones daily but your own. E: [b]DON'T FU[i]C[/i]KING NAME DROP YOU INCONSIDERATE ASS[/b] F: [quote][b][i]a selection of posts that represent a good number of similar arguments[/i][/b] [quote]I think the point you are missing that even though they are bosses they are still a part of the race they are. The Archon is a fallen, he is going to look like other Fallen, other Archons. The same thing with the Cabal, Hive, and Vex. It wouldn't make sense if they looked different.[/quote] Ah, that explains the hundreds of examples in gaming where bosses don't look exactly like previous enemies with different colors/skins. Are you telling me that it is impossible to design a boss that looks different than the rest of the bad guys but still maintains the art style and theme established by the rest of the faction/group/race/species/etc? Dat apologist logic. [quote]EVERY SINGLE TIME i see one of these posts(xbox users whining about timed exclusive content), it annoys the living shit out of is it that you all have forgotten that you got THE ENTIRE halo series? that was an entire SERIES of entire GAMES, that was exclusive to your console of choice....and now you want to whine, and complain about a few extra piece of content that playstation is getting, and is only going to have all to themselves for a little while? jesus christ, first world problems strike again..[/quote] Thing is Bungie didn't charge PS2/PS3 owners 60 bucks and tell them they were gonna give them Halo somewhere down the line. That's because they were owned by Microsoft at the time. Now they aren't. Apples. Oranges. Times change. Dat apologist logic. [quote]You're a -blam!-ing idiot, just like everyone else bitching about "disk locked content". There is no other word that more adequately describes you -blam!-s than "idiot" You -blam!-s obviously don't play any other type of game, and have 0 experience with game development. It's getting really sickening to see all you -blam!-ing casuals feel as tho you're being robbed for what is common practice in every single studio on the planet.[/quote] You're the casual, bro. You let companies chop up products to be sold into pieces... worse, you defend it or invalidate others for questioning unethical business practices. Wanna know something cool? The video game industry makes more money than Hollywood and the music industry combined while having lower operating costs. This industry isn't struggling to stay afloat, it's looking to maximize profit at the expense of the consumer. Further, why do we need game dev experience? We are the consumer, one of the biggest factors in the GDP. We don't have time for that shit. We got an economy to support. And does that mean that every critic of movies, games, books, art, etc., has an invalid opinion unless they've made movies, games, books, art, etc. before? Dat apologist logic. [quote] lol you have 30 hours played/2 days played/100 hours played/etc/etc and you're complaining? wtf idiot they did something right[/quote] [quote] lol noob you haven't even done the raid you've never experienced REAL Destiny. you can't talk till you raid scrub[/quote] Okay, so I can't judge the game if I don't clear everything + the raid. Which takes time because loot is completely RNG save for some few instances where your RNG chances go up slightly. Artificial lengthening of a game's lifespan. But if someone puts in enough time to do all of the game's content and clear the raid, then they can't complain because they've played for X amount of hours and have gotten their money's worth. Dat apologist logic. [quote]exactly what I do many times ans some of my friends laugh at me and think its stupid but it is a hobby and when i pay 60€ for a game and spend 60 h playing it its a pretty cheap hobby.[/quote] First of all, it's not a hobby. It's a game. Making you run the same 5 strikes, with bosses that are bigger versions of enemies you've seen before + one raid with bosses that are bigger versions of enemies you've seen before. That's not 60 hours worth of content. That's 8 hours of content altered slightly and used over and over and over again. Dat apologist logic. More will be added as I find more posts.[/quote] Dat apologist logic.

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    • The exclusives were made "exclusive" for ps. They weren't going to be in the base game. They were made to be available to whichever company wanted the contract. Blame Microsoft for not out bidding Sony.

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    • Edited by dadwithapad: 2/9/2015 2:22:59 PM
      Just want to point out that gaming [i]is[/i] a hobby, and people can place their own value on their money. Whether that's on a Dollar per hour basis or based on some other criteria.

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    • I would love to see things from your point of view, but I can't seem to get my head that far up my arse.

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      3 Replies
      • Bump. Need more posts like this, calling the brain-dead apologists out.. Apologist logic: Bitching on the forums about glitches/bugs is NOT COOL, so I'll bitch at the bitchers and fix the world.

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      • Cute strawman argument in the first "point." You might want to edit that out. It might cause others to stop reading after that point, just as I did.

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        2 Replies
        • [quote] Thing is Bungie didn't charge PS2/PS3 owners 60 bucks and tell them they were gonna give them Halo somewhere down the line. That's because they were owned by Microsoft at the time. Now they aren't. Apples. Oranges. Times change. [/quote] Not to mention all the PS exclusives of last gen - The Last of Us, Uncharted etc etc. PS players calling 'no fair' on platform exclusives is rank hypocrisy. Timed exclusives dont bother me BTW. Just hypocrisy. [quote] You're the casual, bro. You let companies chop up products to be sold into pieces...[/quote] STAHP. Seriously. People with game dev experience have been facepalming at this whole saga almost as hard as they did at the Lag Comp misconception.

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          • Wonderful. Can we get a bungie response without the doubletalk?

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            2 Replies
            • [i]For the life of me I can't figure out what you are bitching about...though I am pretty sure you must be bitching about posted in the B-Net Forums.[/i]

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              • Neat

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                • I kinda skipped most of that but I've just taken bosses with a grain of salt since Warcraft. Why is that Orc/Troll/Human/Etc boss 11x bigger than my character of the same race? "Boss steroids." At least with Destiny is sort of makes sense, biggest alien is best alien.

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