Actually my analogy was spot on. I wasn't comparing blue collar to white collar. My analogy was 2 people who built the same wall to the same quality with the same dimensions and materials. The result should be the same or similar reward wise in quantity but different in variation. Your analogy is off. I don't know who said anything about 200 hours. I have 2 characters. 1 at level 28 and 1 at level 23. Between them I have 6 exotics but all but 1 came from Xur. My point was that my friend who is level 21 and has been forever because he has put about a quarter of the time I have, has gotten several exotic rewards and engrams and has the same amount of exotics that I do. I'm all for the guys who play religiously to have more and don't argue with that. My point was the "statistics" system is flawed and doesn't necessary reward as it should. I'm not looking for a short cut as you put it, I will continue to play and grind regardless. I just wanted to point out how Xur helps those who don't have good luck with the system.
Again, you're intentionally ignoring the difference. The difference is in skill. Skill being measured by efficiency of killing... Not all players are at the same skill level. Thus, you cant compare. You cant say they're doing the same. You cant say theyre of the "same quality". It's for this reason, Xur is a fallacy. Whats the point of playing if I can just go do the weeklies easily get coins...and get exotics? It defeats the point of having rarities. It defeats the point of having a drop rate etc. The stats arent flawed. You're just mad because you didnt get the items you wanted. I keep seeing it over and over again, "I dont have the time...", " I didnt get an exotic weapon.... I got an exotic armor piece", "I didnt get an exotic..just a legendary". Thats how drops work. Thats how stats work. You get A drop...not necessarily what you crybabies want. Im tired of this. I dont play "religiously" I just put time in. You think you have no time? Try being a doctoral student balancing work, homework, class, internships, research, a gf, and a life. If you dont have the time... DONT WHINE. Here's another thing, YOU ARENT supposed to compare against me, because I COMMIT a good amount of time to this game. Get over it. Quit ruining gaming. Your kind destroy the challenge of gaming.
Wow, excuse my ignorance your video game royalness. You are ridiculously arrogant and take this game entirely too seriously. I guess you can do that while having school, internships, and a gf. How do you do it? For your information PhD to be, I work full time, overtime, side jobs and go to school full time for my second Masters. All while raising a child and having a wife. Get over yourself and get off of your high horse. I have not once complained about not having the time. I have put over 120 hours into my titan and 35 or more into my hunter. I could care less about what I get from drops because I already have everything I want. I was just making a point about why Xur exists. I'll go back to my insignificant skilless non-future PhD life and continue "ruining" all the games. Enjoy your video game supremacy.
You arent excused. If you're that busy...then perhaps its not a matter of "what changes can the game make to accommodate me", but rather "what do i prioritize in my life?".... You miss the point entirely...and its funny, because it gives a sneak peak on your ego. Firstly, mentioning my background was workload related. Instead, it seems you're comparing accomplishments. You have everything your character wants, because you used Xur... we all did, because Xur was a shortcut. Thats the ruined the game...theres nothing to earn.
I am loving this. I usually don't get to involved in these but, I just find your ego very entertaining. You say that I have an ego however, I simply made a respectful post stating why I felt Xur was in the game and it turned into a bashing session by you because we differ in opinion. I don't take a game serious enough to get mad about it however, I will voice an opinion if the opportunity presents itself. I try not to bash people though because it accomplishes nothing. In regards to your PhD Candidacy, mentioning PhD in multiple posts does not simply illustrate your workload but, instead makes it sound like you are trying to say "look at me" or push the fact that your opinions are more valuable than anyone else because you are a PhD candidate. In essence it appears you are justifying your opinion with, "I am almost a PhD so I know what I am talking about." I am not saying that is the case, however that it how it can be perceived. Perception is reality in the eye of the beholder. In regards to my priorities and workload, I appreciate your analysis of my priorities however, gaming is on the very bottom of that list for me. Gaming shouldn't be the top of anyone's priority list. My family and work come before gaming, which is why I work so much overtime and so many side jobs. However, the only reason my workload was brought up was because you used your workload as a part of a weak argument to justify your opinion that people who don't have good stuff just don't play enough. You also stated earlier that maybe the other players lacked in skill. How could you know that? You wouldn't know that because you don't know the "cry babies" and "whiners." You are making a judgment with no fact to base that judgment on, which in turn truly weakens your argument. Then you claim that the probability system has to do with skill when in fact it does not factor in skill at all. That's why you can play PVP and go 24/0 and still get nothing while the people who were middle of the pack get rewards. It is strictly a probability equation and skill has nothing to do with it. If I am not mistaken, Destiny developers stated that in an interview. It is all about the luck and the grind. Eventually luck will land in your favor and for some it lands in their favor even more. If you read one of my other posts with the OP, you would see that I agreed that Destiny needed to add a Tier system to the Exotics and make higher Tier weapons only available for earning while others that are weaker can be purchased from Xur. However; as you pass judgment on other people calling them cry babies and whiners for using Xur you make the statement "we all did." I actually have the items I want because I use legendary items that I bought from the Vanguard. The only exotics I use are a titan helmet and the Icebreaker. Most of the exotics are a waste in my opinion and not worth doing the bounty or spending the strange coin. I have no issue playing the Nightfall, Raid, or Weekly Heroic on level 28 with what I have. I have my legendary gear high enough from grinding that I don't need exotics to stay level 28 but, why not have them when they are available. So, we will agree to disagree because we are spending entirely too much time beating this dead horse. I have enjoyed our debate however, like all good things, this must come to an end. Good luck with your future adventures in Destiny and completing your PhD.
Edited by riderofapoc: 11/7/2014 9:49:00 PM