Again, you're intentionally ignoring the difference. The difference is in skill. Skill being measured by efficiency of killing... Not all players are at the same skill level. Thus, you cant compare. You cant say they're doing the same. You cant say theyre of the "same quality".
It's for this reason, Xur is a fallacy. Whats the point of playing if I can just go do the weeklies easily get coins...and get exotics? It defeats the point of having rarities. It defeats the point of having a drop rate etc. The stats arent flawed. You're just mad because you didnt get the items you wanted. I keep seeing it over and over again, "I dont have the time...", " I didnt get an exotic weapon.... I got an exotic armor piece", "I didnt get an exotic..just a legendary". Thats how drops work. Thats how stats work. You get A drop...not necessarily what you crybabies want. Im tired of this. I dont play "religiously" I just put time in. You think you have no time? Try being a doctoral student balancing work, homework, class, internships, research, a gf, and a life. If you dont have the time... DONT WHINE. Here's another thing, YOU ARENT supposed to compare against me, because I COMMIT a good amount of time to this game. Get over it. Quit ruining gaming. Your kind destroy the challenge of gaming.
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