I hate the fact that turrets in vehicles maps cuts both the pike & interceptor like paper which makes using vehicles pointless <_<
Funny because I hate people who run for the vehicles and get all their kills that way. See em in a Pike to start the game and the next time you see them in the intercepter. Talk about no skill. There is nothing that gives me pleasure more than sniping someone out of a fresh vehicle. I'd love for Vehicles to only be available after heavy ammo is dropped at least make the vehicle whores think twice about charging recklessly into the entire enemy team.
Heavy ammo should be drop more frequently on vehicle maps on Control & Clash but for whatever reason this is only a thing in the pointless combine arms.
Depends on whose in em, I've seen quote a few people out maneuver the turret and take em out.
The balance is that the turret is stationary
Turrets may be stationary but both vehicles can't do enough damage on them as quick as the turrets themselves.