I'd there anything you hate happening in pvp, that makes you whimper, moan, rage, or cry?
Example: Killed by a fist of havoc around the corner because the titan you passed jumped the gun.
2nd example: Playing somebody who's lagging heavily, you unload clips into them, you die, then you see them drop dead 2 seconds later.
Shotguns and Fusion Rifles.
[spoiler]These aren't my personal complaints just some I see a lot.[/spoiler]
Share me your misery!
Lag and reload times right when your about to kill your opponent when he's 1/8th of dying from one more shot and you have to reload just so he shots you once and bam you die right when it finished reloading..... true story. and lag when I shoot and stab and they don't die they just keep standing there and suddenly your dead out of no where and you finally see them dead... true story.