Q: When it comes to strikes, you're a _______.
But I'm "both". There is no option for me!
[spoiler]Assume you have all the time in the world and you're soloing if you're "in the middle or both." This will help you identify what you really PREFER. Certainly, when faced with a time crunch but really want to play, we'll change out tactics from our true desires. However, with unlimited time, we'd be more likely to do what we WANT.
Edit: there is no "Both" option. I want you to pick a side and defend it. Certainly there are a ton of us (myself included) that play to the rest of the group. But base your decision on soloing. Don't take the middle ground. That's too easy :P [/spoiler]
Why there is no RIGHT answer:
[spoiler]I'd recommend the book [u]Switch[/u] by Chip and Dan Heath.
Arguing logic doesn't work. You have to motivate the emotional side of an individual to make it really work (in conjunction with logic).
Your logic is sound, but you haven't targeted the [b][i][u]reason[/u][/i][/b] people walk/shoot (completionist) every strike. Some people are just plain having fun.
If you could [b][i][u]show[/u][/i][/b] someone how much more [i]fun[/i] it is to run vice walk, you'd swing the community. Unfortunately, that must be felt and experienced. The written word (here) will most likely only apply to logic (unless you're an incredible writer). Logic is just not a strong enough element to do it alone.[/spoiler]
Concerning the term: "Efficient" and why it's not an option on my poll.
[spoiler]Most runners are running because of [i]time[/i] efficiency. That's probably the right title depending on your operational definition of efficient. One size does not fit all here.
"Efficient" is defined by the measurement:
Efficient completionists aren't worried about time, but kills instead... Not skipping any enemies. 100% encountered enemies die at their hands.
Efficient runners are looking for personal records on strike TIME completion. "Gotta shave 30 seconds off. Skip the stupid colossus and just run by it."
It's all in the eye of the beholder.
Use this weeks Weekly Heroic as an example.
After you activate the console in the public area by the interceptors, do you:
A) Fight every enemy in the first big interior chamber and then continue on, also killing every enemy in front of the bosses siege tank (public area)? Efficient mob killer = completionist.
B) Run and jump past those guys to get to the lieutenant fight (darkness zone), then run and jump to boss area? Efficient TIME completion = runner.
Certainly there are those that want to split hairs and kill stuff while they're running through, but killing level 28 cabal majors and ultras takes some freaking time. If you're stopping to down all those dudes you're a completionists.[/spoiler]
This is the problem:
People fall into 2 real categories. You either want the end of strike rewards only and time is of the essence, or you want to take the scenic route and kill everything on the way.
Neither of these practices is bad!!!! Your brain and play style dictate what group you fall into. This does not mean the other group is [b][i][u]wrong[/u][/i][/b]!
They're just different. Understand this and stop taking it personally.
[spoiler]Idling is straight garbage. I don't care about the no-death strike bounties. Participate or get reported. Standing around farming materials and trash mobs also counts as idling no matter how you try to explain it.[/spoiler]
So, which group to you fall into?
I want this post to stick so everyone understands that there are 2 different schools of thought here and you should try to understand the majority.
If 2 people sparrow off, they're runners. If you're a completionist, just quit, or speed ahead, help, and try your luck with a different group.
If you sparrow up and the others walk towards the first mob, they obviously want to kill stuff. Quit, or hop off the sparrow and help.
Of course no one is holding a gun to your head to be a team player, but team playing requires a "majority rules" mentality. Being the only runner makes you look like a jack ass. Sure, you soloed the boss. But your other 2 "team" members were left behind. It's not good etiquette.
I say follow the crowd vice throwing a tantrum that someone isn't playing "your" way. Especially if you're the only one that wants to do it that way.
I'm a runner. Ran Sepkis Prime 25 times for Bad Juju, but slowed down when my team mates wanted to.
Cheers guys. I did this in fun, but I hope it sticks. There are way too many hate threads about this.
You ran the same strike 25 times for Bad JuJu? Dude did your brain melt? There's no way I could stand doing that. I just spent three nights doing Tiger Strikes. Even if it got boring I was at least getting variety, rewards, and my Cryptarch got bumped up quite a few levels from all the engrams.
Nah im fine ill just Sparrow off and die in a Darkness zone. You wanna kill things? Do it where it actually f ucking matters
Do what if you mix and match both depending on the circumstance? Why don't WE get a slot on your fancy poll?
It [i]is[/i] possible to do it fast and also kill the majority of adds. Git Gud Scrub.
There's always the lingering thought that I'm possibly missing out on a legendary item if I don't kill a certain mob. Mind playing tricks on me.
I'm more of a completionist, I would rather kill all thing things. I will usually zip past the normal world mobs (like in Sepkis Prime/Nexus), but other than that, I kill it. I can understand the idea of running through, but I don't like it. I really dislike those who run on to the boss encounter before everyone else...just annoying. Here is an example that happened the other day, I was running the Summoning Pits. One of the fireteam members sat back at the start until me and the other member passed the door. Then this person sparrowed up and zipped past us, all the way to the boss. The other member and I were trying to deal with the mobs coming in on the tombships and the Hallowed Knights and I hear the dialogue for the boss start. Then to top it off, when this person who just ran ahead dies once, they leave the strike. To me, that person is just a selfish person, who wants to rewards but only want to do as little work as possible. Ultimately, I think the OP is right: when using the random matchmaking, players need to adjust to the style that is used by the majority. 2/3 running, keep up the pace. 2/3 killing everything, slow down and join. Teamwork is the name of the game. ....and I just made myself lose....
I kill what gets in my way, but I won't linger and I kill what needs to be killed. So I'm a CompleteRunner.
I fall somewhere in the middle. I'll try to do things quickly, but I won't make sure every dreg and gobblin is dead before moving on. If it's in the way I'll kill it quickly and go.
I skip enemies outside the darkness zone, once inside, i kill everithing.
I am a runner. I need marks and getting 100 a week is not fun. The more time spent killing trash mobs means less marks. In a game revolved around farming, efficiency is king. And killing trash is not efficient
Sometimes I am in the mood to kill everything on sight and sometimes I just want to complete the strike as quick as possible. So either.
I like speed runs. I tend to get more legendaries as rewards for completing the strike. Not many legendaries drop inside. Plus you get the Rep and marks. It's more efficient to complete 10 strikes in 2.5 hours rather than 5 strikes in 2.5 hours killing more trash mobs. Double the Rep, double the marks, and in my experience more rewards to boot. I've received exotics as a strike completion rewards, and again most my purple engrams come from completing the strike, not as a trash drop. (or as a Rep reward from levelling my faction again) So really, speed runs do make more sense.
It depends. Weapon xp? Completion it is. Going for a bounty. Runner.
I do a bit of both, running and completing. If it's a public area and everyone else is running then I run too. Other than that I tend to kill most things but it often depends on the other two players actions. I'd rather work in a team where I can so if that means one guy races ahead I'll chill and kill things with the 3rd person. That 3rd person might be doing a kill x amount of bad guys or just having fun.
.....I like to run raids like working a steak...work it to the bone, and gnaw on the bastard.
As long as you are actually in the strike and shooting at the bad guys I don't care. You can be Rambo or the long range sniper. You can be a speed demon or that guy with the turtle disorder from Night Court.
I'm a completionist only after I hit the first level 24 mob. Other than that I hope you don't AFK or whatever when I wipe.
I just go with the flow of the strike. If they wanna rush then I rush it they want to complete then I complete. So far I have only done the first strike 5 or 6 times and all but 2 were speed runs.
I'm a completionist. I like to kill everything. Sometimes I get a group who likes to run ahead, and it leaves me alone trying to kill everything to get ahead. Sucks. I recently played with one person who ran ahead and died at every checkpoint so the rest of us were spawned to his/her area. I hated it.
Edited by JRain: 11/5/2014 4:42:07 PMWith having done the strikes many a time before, I just want to hammer my way through strikes. Even when I'm rushing and others are taking their time, the end leader board always shows I have killed more mobs, and I'm rushing through....go figure. If the strikes where mixed up a bit rather than the exact same spawn locations, the exact same location on the map, etc etc...then I may be more inclined to take my time. But the quicker I can get through strikes, the more strikes I can do in one sitting, the more rep/marks/end drops I get, winning! If you want to potter about killing the low levels then go to patrol, strikes are a strike...and your supposed to strike, not amble along lol
Really need a kick option or have it so you have to be in proximity of the boss. Also the ability to toggle matchmaking would help. I would rather solo it then do it while asshats farm or hide
People need to play with their own type
I kill all teh things, I guess that makes me a completionist.
I've been doing a lot of weekly/nightfall strikes, but the normal runs I like to cruise to the boss and get it over with.
I used to run but then I decided that I should kill everything on my path because I might get lucky and get a blue engram :D Perhaps a purple, though I haven't seen a purple since before the Darkness took over...
Completionist hence i only play with friends and not with randoms.