In response to your smart-ass remark, this post is from weeks back. I found another few players who didn't know about it on another thread and thought I'd help out others who don't know.
Unless you can tell me where in the original intro mission it tells players about the cover system?
What is this? Megaman? [quote]Ooohhh!!! MEGAMAN MEGAMAN!!! PRESS A TO CROUCH.[/quote] No wait, I have a better one. Omochao. [quote]Hey Sonic! Did you know that holding the jump button makes you jump higher? Try it out! Press A to jump! Run to go faster! Look around to look around!![/quote]
The game tells you all the OTHER controls and functions at the start, and as you gain new abilities. Every game that has a cover mechanic tells you "Enemies! Quick, hide behind [i]<Insert waist-high cover here>[/i]!" This game doesn't, and so there are plenty of others who wouldn't know of this unless they stumbled upon it themselves.