The Random Number Generator has been LAUGHING IN MY FACE. Bungie needs to have an item that you get 1\15 crucible matches (Which most of the time I can't complete because of the stupid bee error) and every time you use it, the item increases the chances of getting an exotic or legendary FOR ONLY THAT MATCH, because if it were any more, It would be OP as... The vex mythoclast! so bungie, get to work on it... Any one else agree?
I've gotten two legendary engrams from crucible and my brother got the truth from crucible yesterday
Be... [spoiler]smoggypluto[/spoiler]
It is a little frustrating as I usually do pretty well on my team (top 2 usually) but I have never even gotten a legendary drop. It's gotten a little old
That moment you realize this is from november
IT'S RANDOM. I've gotten 4 exotics from the crucible. 3 of them dropped when I was in 1st or 2nd place of my team. Another dropped when I was in 4th place.
Just do really bad and you should get one adventually
In all my games of crucible I've only ever received one exotic weapon and that was Thunderlord.
I have every non-bounty exotic weapon, didn't get a single one from crucible.
Ask Smoggypluto
Never had anything
I got a gjallarhorn
Totally randomized. I usually do well in crucible, and the one round that I do average I get no land beyond. Random
I got hardlight couple days ago from rumble... 3rd one...
I don't play crucible very often but I had hard light drop in control and no land beyond drop in iron banner. I have seen other stuff given out too. Dragons breath, Gjallahorn, Monte Carlo, etc.
I got a Suros from the crucible lol
You have to go negative it gives you a higher chance of it dropping
I've played a TON of games. Can't find in my stats where it says how many games though? Anyone know? I've gotten two exotics. Both were NLB.
I've played a bit and never seen a EXOtic drop in crucible
Crucible has the worst loot
Crucible has the lowest exotic drop rate in the game. If you want to farm for exotics do the nightfall and the ROC strike playlist
I've gotten 3 exotics from crucible so far. Hard Light. Mida. And Last Word
I never get bee anymore.
I got the TLW from Crucible recently and I thought I'd never get an exotic from it lol. Just stick to it, my brother got Thunderlord from Crucible too.
I got a plan c to drop during iron banner. Otherwise no luck with exotics or legendaries either from pvp. I constantly see yellow text pop up in the lower left hand corner of the screen telling me that so and so found fill in the blank exotic.
My friend had a theory that if she did not earn any points/kills in a match that she would get good loot. Well... She got the SUROS Regime. The people who do bad on the team get the best gear in order to help them out.
Edited by Notes of Light: 2/22/2015 10:41:31 PM