The Random Number Generator has been LAUGHING IN MY FACE. Bungie needs to have an item that you get 1\15 crucible matches (Which most of the time I can't complete because of the stupid bee error) and every time you use it, the item increases the chances of getting an exotic or legendary FOR ONLY THAT MATCH, because if it were any more, It would be OP as... The vex mythoclast! so bungie, get to work on it... Any one else agree?
Got my second SUROS during this week's IB.
Hard Light from last IB.
I got No Land Beyond from an Iron Banner match. Dismantled.
Edited by TheBetterYou: 2/21/2015 5:14:00 PMI got thunderlord* from it on Thursday. Dismantled immediately. If it's not red death I've got one lol
Hard Light and P&T
I got Plan C yesterday from Iron Banner
Who tha what now!?
You go 0 and 12. As long as your negative and at the bottom if the leaderboard you'll get something good.
Idk what I'm reading.
I'm horrible at crucible I love getting my .18 kd and then being the only person on my team to get rewarded it even happens when I run with friends they all hate me for it
Got gjallarhorn from crucible Best day of my life
Also bump bump bumpitty bump
I feel you pain. I have seen the Suros, The Plan C, Another NITC, Ships galore!! I have gotten one ship and it looked like crap. I almost always have a 1.0 K/D and have never gotten anything worth my time. I am almost always on top of the leader boards and pretty much the only time I get anything is when I'm in the bottom 3. Either I have horrendous luck or Bungie has some kind of personal vendetta against giving me something cool. (Ooh or maybe Lord Shaxx and Lord Saladin just don't like PvE players gone PvP!)
I knew it. You are a noob. Git Gud scrub
Stupid noob
I got Hardlight from crucible
i tested strike playlist vs crucible rewards for about an hour and a half and crucible was a joke, crucible gave me 2 blue engrams and a strange coin whereas roc strikes gave me 10 blue and 1 legendary engram this is why a barely play crucible
November I got Plan C I got Dragon's Breath day 3 of The Dark Below Both times I was first place. I only have a problem when people who performed poorly get an exotic which I've personally never seen.
You need to make sure your K/D is 0.3 or below. I promise you I am not exaggerating. I have never seen anyone with a higher K/D get an exotic.
Edited by BannedMythicAccount: 2/12/2015 8:04:13 PMI got Plan C recently. That's the only time I ever got a crucible weapon reward. I don't even use fusion rifles so it's was a 'whatever' moment when I got it. My K/D was 5.0 in that skirmish game. So don't let the people who say you have to have a low k/d in game deter you. It's all lies intended to spread propaganda that only bad players get rewarded, when in actuality, most players are just bad regardless of them getting a reward or not.
Stop begging
I play pvp all the time, literally always on the Titan and i have yet to get an exotic. I saw someone get the universal remote, gjallarhorn, and the 4th horseman. Those 3 were all on my team :/
Me even tho I've bought things from xur, and gotten almost all my exotics from lucky drops, I would be ok with them Laing all exotics be a quest reward like the exotic bounties. I'm not saying this because I hate xur or anything like that. But when you get a weapon from an exotic bounty it just has more of a meaning IMHO
Edited by Solstice22: 2/7/2015 3:50:43 AMHaven't seen an exotic drop since ib... Im in a different camp tho, I think that exotics should be quest only and never op, just function differently. And at that, I don't think their should be any item reward for crucible, just moneys so we could BUY things we CHOOSE from the game, than enjoy them.
Edited by MissFortune 21: 1/27/2015 4:43:03 PMGot hard light from iron banner last time And got thunderlord a while back playing skirmish... I've seen icebreakers and suros regimes drop for others as well Edit: I got both rewards finishing first on my team And yes I am not very good in PvP. I just grind through it sometimes anyway