The Random Number Generator has been LAUGHING IN MY FACE. Bungie needs to have an item that you get 1\15 crucible matches (Which most of the time I can't complete because of the stupid bee error) and every time you use it, the item increases the chances of getting an exotic or legendary FOR ONLY THAT MATCH, because if it were any more, It would be OP as... The vex mythoclast! so bungie, get to work on it... Any one else agree?
Edited by MissFortune 21: 1/27/2015 4:43:03 PMGot hard light from iron banner last time And got thunderlord a while back playing skirmish... I've seen icebreakers and suros regimes drop for others as well Edit: I got both rewards finishing first on my team And yes I am not very good in PvP. I just grind through it sometimes anyway
Random I've actually got P&T from having a 5.3 in skirmish after buying it from xur
RNG at its finest
I've gotten 2
I got icebreaker and universal remote by finishing first and patience and time ( my first exotic) and plan c by joining a game in progress and finishing last.
I was just playing control. The guy with a k/d of .2 got plan c and me with a 1.8 get a mote of light come last.
Edited by Kusney: 1/28/2015 8:33:15 AMThe only times when i got exotics in crucible was a day apart and i got no land beyond then suros regime and both times i came second then first like every other match
Come last
Get a shit kd and make sure your last, couple buddies and myself went 3 games killed 2 each and just proceeded to die, I got patience and time, and other buddy got suros
Well RNG is assisting the trash players "if we give them an exotic they should do better"
I got my first exotic anything 2 nights ago and it was the bounty for thorn. I have gotten 1 legendary heavy (against all odds) and a shit ton of legendary scout rifles and 2 legendary ships. I'm lvl 30 and i didn't get a single legendary anything till I was lvl 28. That goes for pvp.
The answers need a little tweaking
Got the Icebreaker from Crucible last week. I had just finished all my bounties for the day and had an extra 10 min before I had to leave for work, so I decided to hop in a control match. At the end we won, I was middle of the pack and BOOM! There it was. Note: I rarely play pvp. I might have 12 hours spent playing pvp
Sorry I've gotten exotics from crucible. Not that pvp players are worthy of exotics :)
I got 2 Ghorn's out of Crucible. Never seen anything else.
Never got an exotic from crucible too
Last place gets best loot always
Just come last. That's how I got one of my Icebreakers.
So hard farming that 4th and 5th place for a exotic.
I got univ remote from the crucible It sucks
Edited by Void: 1/25/2015 9:06:15 PMJust be really bad at the game and you'll get them. I refuse to believe Crucible fully uses RNG because it definitely seems like the bottom players tend to get more rewards.
I got NLB from crucible, haven't really used it ina while but it changes up the stale crucible fights for me so im happy :)
I've gotten 2 gjallahorns, truth, and icebreaker. I got gjallahorn and truth in the same day. (Wtf?)
Be extremely -blam!-ing terrible. I mean like .08 range, like that kind of -blam!-ing bad. (Although I did get a Patience and Time from winning a rumble match yesterday, that is getting a sum of all tears medal.)