The Random Number Generator has been LAUGHING IN MY FACE. Bungie needs to have an item that you get 1\15 crucible matches (Which most of the time I can't complete because of the stupid bee error) and every time you use it, the item increases the chances of getting an exotic or legendary FOR ONLY THAT MATCH, because if it were any more, It would be OP as... The vex mythoclast! so bungie, get to work on it... Any one else agree?
Got Monte Carlo a while back and got a second TLW while using my first one. RNG at its finest.
Got a suros 2.0 version from a control match I was barely even playing lol thanks RNGesus
Got s thunderlord for sucking horribly lol
Only exotic ive ever gotten from crucible was the last word. Which I was using at the time.
in fact, i just got the second dragons breath like two days ago and legendary gauntlets today... not to mention some motes and strange coins... crucible must love me or something.
i got two dragons breath, truth, PaT, and the last word from playing control... i believe if you stay in one playlist only or mostly, it builds up your chances better than hopping around from control to rumble to salvage... pick one and stay with it - control is nice because iron banner is control(one of the DB's i got was like third game of iron banner i played last time around)... my two pence.
Edited by Mozarella Firefox: 1/10/2015 1:03:57 AMTo get an Exotic from Crucible, you must sacrifice one thousand Gjallarhorns in the name of RNGesus and Rahool! -or be the worst player in existence. You know, either way.
I got my first exotic from crucible months and months ago You used to get strange coins cool stuff every once in a while now you get nothing hardly Somebody at Bungie really hates the crucible
Well, i've never gotten exotics from the crucible before, but i have gotten 4 legendaries. I got the Fair and Square pulse rifle from a purple engram, an LDR 5001 from a Crucible postmaster package, MG18A Harm's Way from a purple engram, and the Devil You Don't from a BLUE engram. Would've gotten more but i don't really like crucible. Because i never get exotics from it. It's pure RNG. I suggest Tiger Strikes when you want them exotics.
Lot of luck and lot of time. I have 320 Crucible games and I have ever seen two Exotics drop. Both were Ice Breakers and one of those was for me. That's it - 320 games of 12 people in every game...and two exotics total!
just playing terrible .... they always seem to get the best stuff ... a few people have gotten the vex mythoclast in crucible ... a load have gotten legendaries and guess what ... people who play bad always get them .... no lie.
Edited by Larlock277: 1/5/2015 12:56:17 PMI've gotten plan c from iron banner by being afk because our team losing
The best thing I have ever gotten was a legendary engram, and I've put a lot of hours into the crucible
You need to have under a .45 kd
I got Truth about a week ago. That was my first exotic drop from the Crucible and I've put over 75 hours into PvP.
I've seen 2 Gjallarhorns and one MIDA drop. They all scored 5th place in my team. Moral of the story: play bad, get rewarded.
A Christmas noob got gallahorn in the crucible and he was on the bottom of the enemy team
Seen two Ice Breakers drop in two days of light Crucible action
I did best on my team once and bagged an icebreaker
pray, that's all you can do. I played countless crucible matches and still got no exotics.
Step 1: enter crucible Step 2: put down your controller and go watch TV Step 3: come back in a couple of minutes and jump once to avoid being kicked for inactiveity Step 4: Profit I've seen this work many times by other people.
Just do what I did: 1) Get no kills 2) Die at least 20 times 3) ????? 4)Profit!!!!! I got Hawkmoon with this method.
Step 1: enter crucible Step 2: leave your controller and go do something else Step 3: exotics4dayz
I've entered into 500 crucible matches between my three characters. I have received 1 exotic weapon in the crucible as a random reward (Plan C). Soooooooooo your chances are about 1/500 games. Keep on playing :)
i got dragons breath, the last word and one of my patience and time in crucible...
I got the truth from Control and my friend got Mida. I've also seen the ghorn and ice breaker drop for some people