In now on Tramadol and Fluoxetine due to severe stress the game has caused me. Played hard and felt ive gained nothing bar stress. What a horrible game.
Thanks bungie for destroying my life. Can't get back the 300+ hours.
Nor a refund.
Sickens me how you have treated everyone. Grow some balls you have made me I'll.
That's the truth.
Maybe if Bungie didnt Hype the crap out of this game before release. The way they spoke about it was that we choose how we want to play, so far Bungie is doing all the choosing. They talked the game up as if it was more open world then it is. As dar as Im concerned, it was false advertising on Bungies part. Its a FPS, that is it. Bungie said it has MMO elements. Well it has none. This whole game is hype, thats it. It sucks. Trading it in today. My brother stopped playing. Got mates who have traded it in. The game wont have many players left by years end. Plus Bungie with their Hot fixes and patches have stuffed the game. Ive had to relearn my guns. Dont get any Drops worth anything, and I mean NONE. Destiny will be a dead game with 6months, especially with dveryone getting ripped off with the DLC.