Starting new subthread to collect all activities in the ongoing fight to halt the formation of a swarmhollow.
Recap: Fighters are current gathered outside of the station prepping to obliterate or at least stop the harbinger.
Aero is inside one of the gamma tubes connecting to the reactor and is making his way towards it in what appears to be a suicide mission.
*the machine having finished with my arm seals the skin with a bio-gel and continues to work away on my ribs* *radio* Ngh... Almost done... The ribs are taking a bit longer since they weren't clean breaks... I'll be ready in a few minutes...
*The med bay door starts to crumple under the barrage of blows.* "That door won't stand up to much more. I gotta find a way to stop that thing from getting in here in one piece....I don't have any grenades left...there has gotta be something else around here that I can use." * A collection of tall cylinders catches my eye.* "Oxygen tanks. That will work!" *I quickly run across the room and grab one of the tanks. I throw it in front of the doors.* "It's about to be a party..." *I crouch behind a metal cabinet and take aim at the cylinder with my plasma cutter. The doors crash in with a thunderous "boom" and the awful sound of metal-against-metal makes my teeth stand on edge. A hulking mass makes it's way through the door...* "Eviscerator. This should be enjoyable." *I fire at the oxygen tank praying that it works. The tank explodes. A heat wave washes over me and the force of the explosion throws me back against another set of cabinets.* *Slightly dazed I get to my feet and look towards where the Eviscerator had been standing. A metal blade misses my head by inches and blows through the pillar to my left.* "And this, ladies and gentleman, is why desk jobs are more common." *I glance over to where the receptionists office used to be and see it is covered in blood and gore. Bloody hand prints on the floor show where some poor soul had been dragged...somewhere.* "Then again...maybe not." *a roar from in front of me sends me dashing back across the room. I stop, turn around and fire several shoots. The Eviscerator seemed undazed by the explosion or the shots. I grab my pulse rifle and empty a clip at it's head. Blood splatters all over the wall behind it but it still moves towards me.* "Cut off their limbs." *I take careful aim and start firing my plasma cutter. I place 4 shots between the armor on it's leg. The Eviscerator falls to the ground, flailing wildly.* "Aero we need to get moving!!!"
*The vibrations of the explosion in the other room from SM's fight shake the operating table as the machine finishes sealing the incision in my abdomen spreading the bio-gel across my stomach leaving it cold and sticky* Great... *i mutter to myself* I feel like someone just slathered ejaculatory all over my stomach... *My rig refits itself as the clasps from the table come undone allowing me to slide off the table and test my mobility.* Well I can move freely now but I feel numb all over from that anesthetic... *Coms* SM I'm on my way! *I adjust my kinesis module on my left arm and grab a handful of canisters marked "BIO-Grenades" and make my way back down the hallway towards Shipmaster.* *The med-bay was a mess, with blood splattered everywhere and chunks of meat stuck in between objects and littered on the floor but the new scorch marks from an explosion was the most impressive. I look over to SM as he slices off the legs of an eviscerator and fire a blast of kinesis energy at it to prevent it from closing any more of the small distance it was from SM.* Hold onto your butt SM this fûcker is about to be blown to hell! *I grab the plasma cutter that is laying next to my old rig and, on the run, shove a charge into the chamber well. I activate my boot thrusters sending me up high above the eviscerator. As I come down on top of it I fire a shot into the base of its neck, opening a small hole which I quickly shove one of the BIO-grenades into. I kick off just as my kinesis wears off and roll behind the reception counter just as the grenade exploded, melting the eviscerator's organic material into a pile of goop.* *sigh* Please tell me that [i]that[/i] was the last of them...
*i duck for cover as Aero finishes the fight with the Eviscerator off with some fireworks. I look out from the table I was crouching behind.* "Nice job!" *i look around at the carnage around us.* "I think it's time we left this place. I say let's grab a ship and get the hell outa this system! Thoughts?..."
*I stand up and take some metal and electronics that were embodied in the eviscerator for scrap* Well there was that unknown colony that the ship we recovered from the station was programmed to launch to.. Is the flight board from that ship still here at Furri? If it is I'd still like to go there.
"I believe it is. Let's make our way to it." *I check my guns and grab some more ammo from the supply room. We head off in the direction of the hanger we left the Jade cruiser in.* "I wonder how long this base is going to last. They have obviously taken some heavy damage and the Plague is pretty prominent here."
[spoiler]did I respond to this? I feel like I did but I'm not sure...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]idk...not sure[/spoiler]
[spoiler]eh, then you decide what comes next lol.. [/spoiler]
"The hanger is a deck below us, let's hope the elevator works..." *Aero and I rush through darkened hallways. Around us are the signs of the fight that took place between the occupants of the Furii base and the Plague.* "I see the elevator!" *i push the button. The elevator doors slide open and we step inside. We feel ourselves descend for a few seconds, then the elevator stops and the doors open.* "The hanger is straight ahead." *we break out into a run. After several seconds of sprinting we reach the hanger doors.....*
*We enter the hanger and I spot the shuttle we commandeered not too long ago, noting the shredded engine pods and hull damage caused by the harbinger* It's a miracle Triumph was able to pilot this thing here with how damaged it is... Let me see if the navigation module is still active. *I climb into the cockpit and mess with the controls until the module slides out of the dash. It is a small chip and it appears to be in full functionality* Got it, and it looks good! Let's get this installed into that warp cruiser over there and see if we can't get these coordinates active. *We start making our way over to the mention cruiser sitting at the end of the hanger*
*we hear the control room door open behind us. I look back* "Oh shit" *infection forms start pushing their way through the door and flood into the hanger* "Alright Aero! It's do or -blam!-ing die!" *we dash for the ship. I turn around and empty a clip of my pulse rifle into the Plague ranks, thinning the mass of infectors headed towards us* "Aero, you get to the control panel and see if this baby works." *i position myself inside the ships door and resume firing at the advancing Plague...*
I hear ya! *I jump into the cockpit of the cruiser and shove the nav-card into a slot and start firing up the engines, ignoring the automated voice* [b][i]PLEASE RUN IGNITION TEST AND RUN PRE-LAUNCH PROCEDURES[/i][/b] [i]Stupid ship doesn't understand our lives are on the line...[/i] *I activate the hanger doors directly in front of the cruiser and prepare to hit the throttle* SM! Get your ass in here, we are going [i]now[/i]!
"Amen!!" *I step back into the ship and the door shuts and seals behind me. I feel the ship lift and suddenly I fly to the back of the ship and smash into the back wall as Aero initiates the thrusters.* *BAM* "OW! Thanks for the warning..." *I slowly stand to my feet and make my way to the front of the ship.* "So what's our ETA?..."
Sorry, I've only flown simulators... *I turn to the display and read the sets of numbers bearing our coordinates and estimated flight time.* It's taking us through a worm hole just outside this system so it should only take around 5 hours to get to the colony.
"Worm hole huh? Sounds...completely safe..." *a wave of exhaustion hits me. The stress and fatigue of the last few days seems to hit me all at once* "We should probably grab some sleep before we get there. Who knows what what we will find or how long before we are able to rest." *shuffling to the back of the ship I reach out and unfold one of the bunks from the wall.* "How about setting a warning system for when we reach the system?"
Definitely a good idea... I feel like I've been thrown across space by a monster.. Ahaha... *I set a wide proximity alarm for the cruiser before setting the autopilot* Being knocked out by radiation just doesnt reenergize you like it used to. *I slump into a second cot and fall asleep immediately*
*WOOT WOOT WOOT* *I jolt out of bed and fall on my face* "Ow! Damnit." *i stumble across the ship and shut off the alarm, rubbing my eyes I look out at what lay ahead of us.* "Aero! Get your ass up here man! You are gonna want to see this!" *Aero joins me. Before us lies a planet orbited by a large moon. The planet is glowing a dull orange* *i turn on the sensors and start reading the readouts* "That planet is mostly covered in molten rock, it seem the stuff is flowing out of giant cracks in the planets crust. There are a few spots that are untouched but there are no signs of life. The average atmospheric temperature is 170+....in the areas that at not covered." *i widen my scan* "The colony is actually on the moon, it seems the moon has a breathable atmosphere and such. But there are no plants...how the hell are they supplied with oxygen? Aero, what do we know about this colony besides being a mining colony?"
Edited by aero198: 11/16/2014 8:22:29 PM*I rub my eyes, still groggy* I heard about this place before I got to that hellhole of a space city... It's called I-M34R, or as the colonists call it Imear. *I stretch as I read my biometrics confirming everything was ok after my radiation poisoning* As for the oxygen problem, have you ever heard of ice? Space is full of it and like you said this is a mining colony, miners take ice they find inside the moon and in the system and extract the oxygen and hydrogen for fuel and air. Word of warning though... The air content has a much higher nitrogen content than usual so it'll be uncomfortable breathing at first. *We begin procedures for bringing the cruiser into an orbit around the moon* Other than that, I have no clue about this place. What do you think we are going to find down there besides a bunch or rocks?
"I don't know what we will find. It worries me that the navigation chip had this place locked for it's next destination. Either you or Triumph pointed out that it seemed like the Plague wanted us to come here." *i look out as the ship nears the small colony* "We should land in the mining facility. Landing in the civilian area with a gore-splattered, banged up piece of shit like this might scare people." *i look at the sensor readouts* "It's strange that nobody has hailed us yet...that is procedure as soon as a ship has entered a system. Hell, now we are practically knocking at their door." *Images of Plague, corpses, blood-splattered walls...I shook my head* "Please don't be here" *The ship shakes as it descends and finally lands on the pad. I make sure my RIG is all set, check my plasma gun and clip it to my side. Aero pushed a button and the cargo doors in the back of the ship lower down. We both make our way out...*
*I shift uneasily as we step onto the surface, the facility seemed to be functioning but there were no calls from the workers as there should be* I'm [i]really[/i] starting to hate the way this is looking... We should scout the area and see if we can't find anyone. *I walk back into the ship and activate a clocking module, walking back out to see only a shimmer where the ship was* Just in case... This is our base of operations and only means of leaving here, so I want it to be safe. Let's check out the main mine over there. *I point in a westerly direction to the shaft. I also holster my plasma cutter and pull out the scraps I had be holding onto and begin to structure a weapon from it as we walk*
*the entire landscape is a reddish hue because of the glow from the planet and the red sun that the planet orbits* "Kinda gives everything am ominous look huh?" *we come closer to the main mining shaft. The massive drill gleams a sickly red color in the sunlight. The sound of machinery can be heard. The dull throb of mineral-compactors, generators and mechanized plasma cutters makes me uneasy* "Where the hell is everybody? Do you think they heard about the space station and evacuated? Wait...no they couldn't have heard about it because the coms were one of the first things to go when the plague attacked." *AAUUGGGHHHHHHH* *a scream pierces the air* "HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *both of our weapons are out instantly, we sweep them back and forth scanning the area* "Where did it come from Aero???????"
*I slam the breach into my custom MOIR-14 and rest it against my shoulder* Sounded like it was down below in the shaft! You don't think that the plague really is here already? *We have already started running deeper into the mine, hoping to save who ever let out the scream* This is just great... This was supposed to be like a vacation to me... Come to the colonies they said, it'll be fun they said! Instead I'm running into God knows what in a deserted complex!
"I just came because of the money. And the women." *my grin suddenly disappears as we enter into what is called the preparation room. The preparation room had RIG stations, stasis chargers, equipment closets and whatever else engineers and miners needed before going deep underground.* "Oh God..." *corpses are strewn about the room in grotesque positions. Bodies are torn limb-from-limb. The floor and walls are covered in blood. Some of the people didn't have helmets on...they had a look of pure terror on their faces.* "Aero....I highly recommend we leave...like now..."
Edited by aero198: 11/17/2014 3:34:54 PM*I look at SM and laugh* Really now? Knowing my luck the harbinger has followed us, destroyed our ship, and is waiting right outside this facility! *My laughter becomes hoarse and I my voice grows grave* I'm going to keep going... I don't plan on dying and I don't plan on running with my tail between my legs. If you want go back to the ship and keep watch, I'll keep my comms up...