originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
I'm a Guardian of Many faces.
Titan: Many people forget that Titans are not just Knuckle dragging brutes that throw down their super like a Running Back in the Superbowl.
I myself regularly play a Titan in Crucible, and I enjoy running up Juuuusssttt as you have 2-3 buddies trying to capture a point, and I personally yell "Touchdown Titan!" before I smash down and wipe out half the enemy team. Is it bro? Hell yea. It feels great to wipe out multiple players with such a manly super. Yes.... You can slice and dice people like Jack the Ripper on cocaine, or feel like Zeus when firing that Nova Bomb, but the Titan is one of the more hands on Characters. Especially with the Shoulder charge.
Warlock: Those Titans are too big man. They just come around the corner and BLAM! I'm dead. At least I can fly.....
Hunter: Thank God I have a gun that can shoot them from a distance.
TBH, charging into a gun fight doesn't usually end well for a Titan. Sure you get that easy kill half the time. But if you use your radar, they are extremely easy to avoid.
As a Hunter, I am starting to stay out of Control points and concentrate on killing at range just because of Strikers. Can't say I am happy about it, but adapt to that FoH.