The "Conference Call"
This shotgun can unload a crazy amount of bullets. Not only that but the bullets split into more bullets. It also has an elemental effect.
So obviously it is the best gun in the game
Nah more like industrial face time
Edited by metallicaNLC: 11/6/2014 9:26:56 AMYoure talking about borderlands 2
Conference Call was good until ppl saw what it did to Terra. Then it got nerfed and turned into Collect Call.
I'm here to ask you one question and one question only. Explosions!?
Got it from killing the handsome jack last night in the raid. The RNG Gods were with me. can't wait to use it in duels in the crucible. [spoiler]Gaige is my favourite guardian[/spoiler]
Best shotgun Is Found Verdict beotch.
i vote for the FLAKKER. because it destroys those badasses in one shot.
VOC hands down... not even close...
Wait til i bring out mah norfleets
Some people didn't get it and my heart aches for them
VoC shits on all other legendaries
The Shadow Price I got from an engram. Field Scout and Third Eye. Radar while ADS'ing + 40+ rounds in the mag, this thing slays.
fatebringer, explosion on impact and precision kills. quick reload time when precision kills. High ammo. plus arc mod
Edited by FloppySeaLion: 11/6/2014 8:08:54 AMPfffff nah gurl. You gon need getch ya fine self some Unkempt Harolds. Them double penetrating biznitches are ace yo.
I love you
Lol borderlands 2 joke
The Devil You Know for best legendary weapon.
Borderlands 2?