[url=/en/News/News?aid=12337]The Dark Below[/url]
This certainly is no where enough for a supposed expansion especially for the cut content and/or lack of content at launch. a proper expansion would have an entirely new planet, With new story missions, and strikes on every planet and at least two raids, New types of bounties and public events. This expansion should have at least double the amount of legendary/exotic weapon/armor that was said to come during the expansion. More enemy types and material types. Add more game types similar to the ones in halo. These are my personal opinions but the current light system should be abandoned and replaced. One new weapon type for each weapon class. Limit the the amount of legendaries that can be equipped like how you can only have two exotics or add another rarity that is limited like exotics. All vendors have stock the refreshes after a certain time. Scale the gun Smith weapons or give him unique items that make him more valuable.