I have a lvl:30 warlock and im leveling up my titan (lvl26) im looking gor a clan that will allow me to raid hardmode quickly + nightfall etc.. Everyweek.. Im sick of it taking 4-5hours to do normal because i have to explain what is happening and how to use a relic to everyone i play with..
Last week i formed a group of lvl 30s and we cleared hardmode in under 2 hours..
I live in montreal so we have good timing.. And im online almost everyday sometimes for nore then 8 hours at the time!!
And i cant wait to play the raid in the new dlc!!
Can I pre-join for later raids? Im a lv25 hunter
LMAO we do the raid in 45 mins on normal
Well thats what im looking for..
Join. I'll get you situated