Let's hear how you feel about that special someone in your life. Let it all out.
For me, she is the one shining beacon of light in a world of uncertainty. Life is an ocean of broken insanity where nothing works or makes sense, but she is my island of peace. When I'm with her, I know that in the end everything will be ok. When I'm in a dark place, just one look at her smiling face gives me the strength I need to take one more step. Seen in the light of her shining radiance, all of life's problems are revealed to be nothing more than shriveled husks of empty doubt to be cast aside as so many leaves before a storm. She is my light and my strength, and every moment I live, I live for her. [url=http://i.imgur.com/xNkrhKv.jpg]My love.[/url]
Inb4 I didn't read the OP or click the link, I did, I'm still answering the question. I'm over it now, but I still knew she was the one and I lost the chance. I could have had her, but I was too much of a pussy, If I ever get a chance like that again, there no doubt in my mind I'll take it as soon as I see it. She worked with me. She left that job months before I did. She was small, not "petite" but short, at the same time as being proportional. She had long, beautiful red hair, and shockingly green eyes, I can still see them if I think about it. Alright size boobs, nothing to crazy, nothing to small, just right for me. Her ass was perfectly round, while being cushiony. She was always happy to see me, even when she was mad about something, we'd laugh at the stupidest shit. I knew she was flirting with me, idk why I never took a shot at it. It was the little things she did that made me know she liked me. She knew she was good looking, she knew that I wanted her, I would come into work and she'd get real close to me and say she loved the way I smelt. During rushes at work she'd do little things like stand right in front of me so it was ass to dick, and she knew it. She was elusive, but interesting in the same sense. Months after I left I was told she would always talk about wanting to talk to me and stuff when I wasn't around. I would have pounded that ass so hard. Fûck man. I fûcked up. It's all over now, I might see her again in the future, but who knows the situation might be different than before. All I know is that it was an amazing chance that I didn't take.