1. False 2. I can clear em faster than you 3. Neither does a warlock ( self rez isnt a team ability, and NO sunsinger uses radiance for the buff anymore they just expect to die and use there crutch)
Hunter can just take 1 oracle really fast and then what? The other classes can just use heavy ammo and then thats it. Back to carrying weakling hunters XD
Just be lucky you can push, and make sure you never forget your crutches. Leave the skillful playing to the hunters. The day i get carried by a warlock is the day i stop gaming
Why do Hunters need to use the GG as a crutch to kill things? Warlocks and Titans don't need to use killing supers as crutches.
Explain how hard is it to shoot 3 bullets that are insta kill and not miss. Explain how hard is it to become invincible for 30 seconds with a blade and have unlimited swings with. Explain how hard is it to crouch and become invisible. Hmmmm must take a lot of skill right?
Noone blade dances on the raid except to rez, i have 4 shots with my GG so ha, which speaking of hard how hard is it to panick push nova and clear everything in ur path, or to just let everyone carry u until u eventually die then s3lf rez and think your helping, only to radiance glitch and use s3lf rez again. Or hide behind a relic shield and spam aoe grenades because your scared of the boss fights
Lol i never said warlocks were hard and takes a lot of skill. You said hunters take the most mlg faze skill. Now you sound stupid trying to argue about something i did not bring up
Your an actual idiot is see now, first your dissing hunters sayin there worthless then u rebut my statement with how easy to use and how apparently bad azz and insta killy they can be. (Pick one) then i return fire with the same type of argument you tried giving me and u call me dum? Lol i think your just saying things based off emotion or possibly just things youve heard. Have u ever even raided with a good hunter?
No silly. .. you stated it takes a lot of skill to use a hunter and i started saying how hard is it... I think youre worthlessness is getting to youre brain
Dont worry man if im ever on your raid team i will not hold back. Ill drop piles of orbs right at your feet. Ill insta revive u safely. Ill do heavy boss damage from a distance. Ill wait for you to cross the platforms, ill hurry and destroy the oracles, ill speedily grab the relic and cleanse you safely. Ill be there for you man
I done the raid on hard mode yesterday with 4 hunters and two warlocks without a problem...
Damn 4 hunters being carried by 2 warlocks. Warlocks are truely the real mvp
I know right, did the raid with four hunters and every single one of them were useless.
How about a full team of hunters completed a raid on hard all the way while only wiping 3 times?
Did a run through without any hunters and didn't wipe once.
Destinies difficulty depends on the characters, warlocks would be easy mode, titans would be medium, and hunters would be the hard-core mode. I noticed once I created a warlock how easy the game became. I don't have a titan but my brother does. Also hunters aren't that squishy, you can actually put there armor rating really high while keeping it's great agility. Also agility does matter whoever thinks it isn't useful is kinda dumb, and using golden gun does save your team some heavy ammo, especially when it comes to taking out minotaurs/protarians. Me and 3 of my other hunter friends 4 manned the raid a while so yeah I find hunters to be useful, but I do think it's important to have, at least, 1 warlock and titan. Dream team is two of each.
If i ever hosted a raid group ill keep 3 titans, 2 warlocks and maybe 1 hunter. Imo hunters arent useful
Lol. Let me guess, you cheese bosses? You're right. Hunters are terrible for cheesing Atheon.
Yes and yes
My clan rolls 3-4 hunters into hard mode and kills the bosses legit. Sorry you require certain classes for your crutches to be viable. Hopefully someday you too can learn to walk on your own.
I mean every combination works. with more warlocks and titans there is a lot of support with more hunters, well you better know or hope that everyone is a pro player.