Explain how hard is it to shoot 3 bullets that are insta kill and not miss. Explain how hard is it to become invincible for 30 seconds with a blade and have unlimited swings with. Explain how hard is it to crouch and become invisible. Hmmmm must take a lot of skill right?
Noone blade dances on the raid except to rez, i have 4 shots with my GG so ha, which speaking of hard how hard is it to panick push nova and clear everything in ur path, or to just let everyone carry u until u eventually die then s3lf rez and think your helping, only to radiance glitch and use s3lf rez again. Or hide behind a relic shield and spam aoe grenades because your scared of the boss fights
Lol i never said warlocks were hard and takes a lot of skill. You said hunters take the most mlg faze skill. Now you sound stupid trying to argue about something i did not bring up
Your an actual idiot is see now, first your dissing hunters sayin there worthless then u rebut my statement with how easy to use and how apparently bad azz and insta killy they can be. (Pick one) then i return fire with the same type of argument you tried giving me and u call me dum? Lol i think your just saying things based off emotion or possibly just things youve heard. Have u ever even raided with a good hunter?
No silly. .. you stated it takes a lot of skill to use a hunter and i started saying how hard is it... I think youre worthlessness is getting to youre brain
Dont worry man if im ever on your raid team i will not hold back. Ill drop piles of orbs right at your feet. Ill insta revive u safely. Ill do heavy boss damage from a distance. Ill wait for you to cross the platforms, ill hurry and destroy the oracles, ill speedily grab the relic and cleanse you safely. Ill be there for you man