Could there be a posible In game trade system update, I feel that trade would make the game better, because I'll get lucky and get stuff I don't need but my friend gets stuff I need almost every day we play together, even if it was like 3 trades a week. Even if you sent 4-6 $15 dollar purchase discs I would buy every one. I love destiny but my friends think it's a lose, we do raids and strikes and each get the same thing everyti ever and can't give It to each other, it would add a new aspect to the game and would bring in more players, it's just an opinion and the creator prolly won't see this but if you do just know I'm not the only one, and there must have been in one before based on the release video of one of the creators. "All costomized gear either acquired on my adventures, purchased or traded, or gambled for." There for you purchased it from an npc, gambled with engrams, or traded how?? Does this mean he traded money in game for items and just said it twice and didn't relize it or is there something missing or deleted from the game, like Jupiter, and the cut Scene with crow! Just expressing my feelings other then those "tiny" flaws this game is great and I love it but it could be better and as far as the story goes not quite what was expected or advertised but alright.
Every time a game I like introduces a trade system, everyone plays the game for each other. It's hard to find a balance where people aren't pay-to-winning.