Currently I have finished hard with my 30 warlock. Used and found a team within 5 minutes, all 30s. Problem is I really don't need anything from Hard on my warlock.
What I am really interested in is finishing it with my 29 titans (both at Gatekeepers). Dying for the helmet, chances are good if I down Atheon with both. Unlike my 30 however, finding a group is incredibly difficult especially if you want 30s in the party. I know I personally feel like a hypocrite when I post looking for 30s as a 29.
This got me thinking, what if other people are in the same situation as me? Completed it with a 30 but can't find a group with their 29. What if I was able to use my 30 to help my 29? While this can't be done directly, with a couple of people on board this is a very real possibility. I'll explain my process here:
6 people - Each has a 30 (assuming already done) and 29. Instead of spending possible hours on LFG or hours wiping with an all 29 team, each guy will take turns rotating their 29 in with the 30s. For example: GuyA and GuyB run their 29s first and C though F use their 30s despite not getting rewards. Since everyone has done it already 2 29s is perfectly fine and should allow for quick runs, especially how I assume everyone has already finished it one this week. Once complete you rotate until the entire 6 man group has finished it.
Based on what I've seen so far the above will be faster than using random groups.
To all those who are in the same situation as me, please post here or message me on XBL. I am looking for the following:
- Any level 30 that has a big heart and wants to help regardless
- Any 30 that hasn't done it and also has a 29 (preferred as it limits the amount of total runs)
- Any 30 that has done it but still needs to do on their 29
- Oracles and Templar can be done with full team of 29s so please have your lower level at Gatekeepers; preferred not required
Thanks for taking the time to read, hopefully this gets some attention and we can start getting our second characters to 30 as well! I'm hoping this also increases the number of 30s I have on my list so this becomes automatic each week.
[b]DL;DR - Post here to have your 29 carried by a 30 in exchange for using your 30 to carry a 29. Help me help you.[/b]
Need some 30's to help raid. We have two 29's and two 30's
I have the same issue with my 29 characters, so I'll be willing to help those who need it in return I have a lv30 Warlock. Only issue is I'm not off work till next weekend :-(
Hey guys, I still have to finish Atheon with my 29 Titan then I'm done for the week. I'm looking to get things going around 6pm est so let me know if you can help or would like some assistance yourself around that time.
Any lvl 30 people want to do VoG hard? I'm a lvl 29 warlock.
I'm a 29 hunter and I need some raid gear Love some help Message me if you want me to join
Xbox one VoG hard from start looking for fireteam. 29 hunter GT: boogsyman I have a mic and am not a child
Hey guys just wanted to let you know that our first group cleared the raid last night. We had 4 29s, 3 of which had never run hard before and were relatively under equipped. That's a less than ideal setup compared to what I was proposing to run yet we were still able to clear with relative ease once the new guys found their stride. With that in mind it gives me confidence that if we start organizing runs with the kind of people I indicated above then we should be clearing runs easily within an hour with 2-3 29s. Currently I owe Pure Potential a run though with my 30 so if you're around feel free to contact me. Timing and such is TBD.
I would like to get in on this I have a 29 titan on gatekeepers and could help with my 30 Warlock/Hunter
Invite me im ready as a 29 my gamertag is : Eqoze exe
The worst is having 3 Lvl 29s, 23 clears and can't find a group so you can get the God damn boots that have eluded you the entire time.
I'm -blam!-ed lol. I have two 29's BOTH needing one piece of raid gear.... Two leg pieces.. I need to do the raid on hard... Anyone care to help? I'm very experienced
Same as you level 29 on two titans but no one to run the raid all I need to the raid boots then level 30 and will help anyone out and even run with three 29s with the rest 30's so we can get it done quickly gt tnell09 I will be on after 7 est most nights
Great thread here. Feel free to add me. xJBEASTx (Xbox1). I have a 30 warlock and just need the shards to get my Titan to 30 as well. I love running the raid and would love to help
[b]Pay it Forward[/b] group starting soon. I will start and lead a group shortly. Anyone on the Xbox One who is interested please send a message to my GT or Bungie profile. I'll start the group at the Oracle Checkpoint or Gatekeeper Checkpoint depending on what people need. GT: Pure Potential
Have 5 29's - need a level 30 GT: Dudeman III
What I do to with my team mates it run several raids per week, taking turns who brings in the main and ALTs, up to 3 29s at a time. So if I bring in my lvl 30 Warlock first, then next run I get to bring my lvl 29 Titan. I run with the same group of friends so I know it's no problem and I know they actually care that I get my gear, no selfish holes allowed.
Edited by Pure Potential: 11/7/2014 6:59:42 PMI don't mind helping. I can solo the left or right portal and bring back the relic on the Gatekeeper checkpoint if needed. I will want people that are able to communicate in the group though. I have 50+ full Raid clears check my Grimoire card if you want. GT: Pure Potential 30 Hunter 29 Titian 29 Warlock
I am in that boat that you were in as a level 29. I currently have 3 Titans and all my gear is in the vault so I can get on and do my dailies. I completed the raid 3 times again Tuesday. Since I started doing the vault I have only recieved the grips 6 times and the chest 3 times. From the sound of it you need to do it on hard mode for the helmet at least. I tried on here and on Lfg and haven't got one group besides 29s to try it and We get stuck at the confluxes for hours. My one friend and I are level 29 a hunter and a titan. We raid well and communicate well so If you ever have 4 level 30s invite me. Noobjimmypop
I have two 30s that I can rotate in just to help if you need. Haven't been able to get my third character into a raid yet as i haven't gotten any legendary gear for it. Still haven't leveled up my vanguard to be able to buy. Have some friends that I will run the nightfall and weekly with my 30s and switch out to my hunter before they kill the boss to get the rep. Message me on xbox1. Koreanmachine.
In the same boat! Got a level 30 warlock, level 30 titan and level 29 hunter - cant get a good game with my hunter and i have the atheon hard cp :/
Same boat....i have a 29 hunter and both of my warlocks are level 30. I have no problem getting teams with my warlocks but my poor little abused needing boots hunter seems to always waste away from completion week after week. I normally run with a friend that also has a 30 titan and level 29 warlocks that would love help. Shoot me a message on xbl and I would gladly join a group to complete these after I get home from work.
Lvl 29 warlock would totally help do this if i can get bumped up, just need helm or boots to reach 30
I'm in the same boat. Got a level 30 Hunter and 29 Titan, 29 Warlock...just need helmets on each. GT SilentRival
Paying it forward. Love it. It would mean so much if this were to happen for me. GT: [b]rjcabz[/b]. Xbox one 29 hunter
Great idea. Shame I'm on the 360 :-(