Jaden Smith just Jaden Smithed.
[url=http://nahadaily.com/articles/jaden-smith-pen-remove-upon-turning-18/]It's so Jaden Smith it hurts[/url]
I have my doubts on the reliability about this website, but it has since gone viral, but no word from Jaden Smith or any PR to contradict it. A number of other websites also have covered this, all of them linking back to this one.
Basically Jaden Smith wants to cut off his penis because he is not gay.
Your thoughts on this, flood?
[spoiler]Inb4 Jaden is lonepaul
Inb4 Jaden wishes he was the fresh prince
Inb4 religion with Jaden Smith as it's god is created
Inb4 Jaden is DeeJ
Inb4 Jaden is adopted
Inb4 Jaden Smith is to busy Jaden Smithing to even Jaden Smith
Inb4 Jaden will never be as famous as his father
Inb4 someone doesn't read this and assumes I believe the article, effectively "Jaden Smithing"
Inb4 Jaden is pegboy
Inb4 Jaden can't be pegboy bc no peg
Inb4 Jaden is bnet mod and I bant
Inb4 people don't notice the website url[/spoiler]