originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
And a striker titans super isn't a button mashing technique (its no different than a scared ****less melee in cod) ? All three classes have abilities that if used correctly can dominate any situation.... That being said I can't stand when a sunsinger calls a hunter worthless, because it normally comes from a lvl 30 warlock who doesn't even know how to use a relic shield...... As a hunter I've watched warlocks die over and over in the back , whilst I the hunter survive on front lines... I apologize to warlocks who actually have skill, this wasn't meant for you . Good day my fellow guardians, may we live for another week.
I take no offense, as one of the skilled warlocks I'm usually facepalming when I watch what some of the other warlocks are doing.
My god so many Warlocks I find are just bad players. They can be level 30, wont matter. I've theorized that the lesser skilled players hover towards Warlock because of the revive.