Run hard mode last night, there were 6 hunters! Best character for running vog unless you are a cheese'head
5 man, all hunters, normal mode. The reason we 5 manned it was because #6 didn't want to play with "nub hunterz cuz I don't have time to keep wiping". We wiped once on Atheon. Yes, I realize normal is easier but I thought it was funny that dude quit for this reason.
I always have at least one titan for flashbangs on the minotaur on hard. Warlocks are not needed though
why a warlock is not needed in a hard mode. HE can revive by himself which make it real important to keep the team alive. So I think a balanced team should be form by 2 titans defenders\ 2 hunters gunslingers \ 2 worlocks
You realize self revive in hard mode should never be needed, right? None of the other classes get to screw up and die. The warlock is for those players who can't stay alive and need a backup plan. Hunter is for skilled players who put it all on the line.
sounds reasonable. yes you are right a hard mode demands all gaurdians to be definitely tough and skillful . But I still insist that a fireteam should be balance like every class has a proper role in it.
" Cough" hard mode "cough" sunsinger "cough"