Don't know what you are doing.....Destiny 2??? WTF!!!!!! This game was to be great but you [Activision] got greedy like you do.....You chopped and slashed and cut up a god of a game.... the ''DLC'' is already there on the disc. Do you enjoy losing fan base?????
this game was one of the two games that was supposed to convince of whether to continue buying consoles or stick with pc gaming at the present time you have not convinced me with the quality of destiny at the release date even with the preorder content i received if your expansion packs aka "the rest of the game i payed for in the first place" are on par with your prior work with your mac titles or your beloved halo franchise i will continue to play destiny, if not your shameful release of this game with no content, dumbed down graphics and copy and paste enemy factions, not to mention your leveling system which after you hit above level 20 requires hundreds of hours of grinding on the same boring strikes with almost no success without many many better pieces of armor. But in conclusion i am a big halo fan and have read many of the novels about the game and hope that your past devotion to the core pillars of a good game will return otherwise i will have lost respect for your company as a whole which have been a fan for almost ten years. The end result will be your games and your lack of effort pushing yet another gamer away form consoles which have shown a lack of give a -blam!- in everything including the wishes of the gamer which is the reason games are made. Pull your head out of your ass and make a game every gamer would be proud to play and recommend to their friends so that other gaming companys will follow your example and console gaming will be enjoyable and actually fun.
Bungie, you made a deal with the Devil... Activision are just cash farmers...
It started as an FPS RPG and now contains zero RPG elements. Pathetic excuse for what I thought was to be the game of all time. Not just grinding with the same gear for hours to get an extra light level.
And this is why I just but the new COD today... Shit game! F.U. Activision thought you were better than this
So u bough a real shot game AW
Its not too bad. At least they're not making me do the same 3 runs over and over to get nowhere. Story is amazing in AW
You do know Activision made COD right?..