My first time was a month back when I told people to attack #destiny
When was yours?
*insert Lenny here*
I told someone to suck a dick on the Reach forums 4 years ago.
Just once supposedly for spamming... I just said Given the abundance of oxygen and silicon in the crust, it should not be surprising that the most abundant minerals in the earth's crust are the silicates. Although the Earth's material must have had the same composition as the Sun originally, the present composition of the Sun is quite different. The elemental composition of the human body and life in general is quite different. The fallen Tunnel Log of Sequoia National Park came into being after an unnamed giant sequoia fell across the Crescent Meadow Road in late 1937 as a result of natural causes. The following summer, a tunnel was cut through the fallen log as a visitor attraction. The tunnel, which remains in use today, is 17 feet wide and 8 feet high. There is a bypass for taller vehicles. When the giant sequoia fell, the tree stood 275 feet high (83.8 meters) and was 21 feet in diameter at the base (6.4 meters). The tree's age when it fell has not been determined, but probably exceeded 2,000 years. Perhaps the smell of blood, dark and chthonian, at the precise moment that the bird screamed, awakened something deep and intrinsic in what remained of Pan's consciousness. Lichen, an organism made up of an alga and a fungus. The alga, in some species, is a green alga; in other species, a blue-green alga. The fungus usually belongs to the same class of living things as morels and truffles. There are about 25,000 species of lichens. Biologists name lichens according to the species of fungus involved. Lichens are found in all parts of the world, even in polar regions and at high altitudes, growing on rocks, wood, or firm soil. Lichens grow very slowly. Most lichens are gray-green, but they may also be white, yellow, yellow-green, red, orange, brown, or black. The gravity measurements suggest a large, possibly regional, ocean about 6 miles (10 kilometers) deep, beneath an ice shell about 19 to 25 miles (30 to 40 kilometers) thick. The subsurface ocean evidence supports the inclusion of Enceladus among the most likely places in our solar system to host microbial life. Before Cassini reached Saturn in July 2004, no version of that short list included this icy moon, barely 300 miles (500 kilometers) in diameter. Poltergeist comes directly from the German word of the same spelling which entered English in the 1850s. The term comes from the German word polter meaning "to make noise, knock, rattle" and Geist meaning "ghost." A polar vortex is a persistent, large-scale cyclone that circles either of the planet's geographical poles. On Earth, the base of the polar vortices are located in the middle and upper troposphere and extend into the stratosphere. They surround the polar highs and lie in the wake of the polar front. These cold-core low-pressure areas strengthen in the winter and weaken in the summer due to their dependence upon the temperature differential between the equator and the poles.[1] They usually span less than 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) in diameter within which the air circulates in a counter-clockwise fashion in the Northern Hemisphere, and in a clockwise fashion in the Southern Hemisphere. As with other cyclones, their rotation is caused by the Coriolis effect. Early studies of giraffe societies suggested that groups were unstructured. But recent research has found that the animals demonstrate a dynamic common to chimpanzees, spider monkeys and spotted hyenas. Scientists identified that individuals temporarily associate, resulting in fluctuating group sizes and membership. The two researchers carried out their experiment on 29 baboons (Papio papio) of variable ages, which could freely perform the proposed exercise (this represents a large number of animals for this type of experiment). First of all, the baboons were shown two geometric shapes on a touch screen, for example two squares. After they touched one of these shapes, two other pairs of shapes appeared on the screen, such as: a triangle and a star for the first pair and two identical ovals for the second pair. To successfully complete the exercise and be rewarded, the animal had to touch the pair representing the same relation (of identity or difference) as the initial pair (here, the two ovals). I don't get it...
When I touched my no-no area.
When I told someone I wasn't into black chicks. Got a ban for that.
I've been here for almost a year and I still haven't broken any rules. Yup, I guess I'm just good like that. *looks ninja in the eye funny* *gets permanently banned*
[quote]when did you first violated[/quote] Jesus -blam!-ing christ
On B.old years ago...I told everybody to keep someones porn thread alive 'til I'd get home from work.
Im so lonely... Whatever.
I cannot get a warning or a ban even after what I did to gaming yesterday
I got banned from Rockstar's forum for joking about taking a dump in Dan Houser's hat once, does that count?
When I pretended to be a radical male feminist a few months back.
I havent...
I actually haven't yet... (And neither has other me)
[i]I remember posting in the "longest thread" filled with mostly blank posts. The notification read "trying to break the forums" >mfw :\[/i]
Mine was when I made a comment on a post.
Not yet
I didn't.
When I violated your mother. [spoiler][b]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/b][/spoiler]
Most people know mine.
I haven't been warned or banned a single time since
Pfft that's like asking Stalin who his first kill was
When I encouraged people to AFK in Crucible.
Never, surprisingly.
I dun even member. But I haven't broken it lately. I need to work on that.
I have never been banned on here.
When I accused the Flood of plotting against me with their role playing schemes.