Not going to happen, at least in the U.S. Liberals might try, because they are retarded pricks, but it'd never fly in the courts.
Most, if not all, of your rights ,came from liberals.
None of my rights come from liberals. They come from the Constitution. Liberals are about ignoring the Constitution to restrict freedoms.
I'm sorry. I thought my rights came from the constitution that I swore to support and defend when I enlisted before I was medically discharged... You better check yourself before you make some half-assed comments in the future.
... and who introduced the majority of Amendments to said Constitution? The progressives. The conservatives were happy with a male-dominated white society.
Just like the conservatives were racist as well, huh?
A vast majority were and still are, yes.
Haha Love it. You know it was the republicans (conservatives) who abolished slavery while the KKK was predominantly democrats (liberals/progressives) right? Maybe you should brush up on your education...
Or maybe you should understand politics of the Civil War era. The parties were essentially reversed in ideologies during that era, Republicans were progressives and Democrats were converatives. Also, Lincoln (who was actually a member of the Whig party... look up that and see how "conservative" they were) freeing the slaves was a politically motivated act to end the bloodiest sustained conflict in American history. I do believe, good sir, you have just been "schooled" as the kids say.