Its 2014. If that's all you have then I rest my case.
Obviously you don't follow what I said. I said there was a man and woman for a reason. There can NOT, EVER be a child birthed from a family whose matriarch and patriarch are both male/female.
I got what you said. But your argument doesn't apply to [i]this[/i] day and age. We can have children. They may or may not be biological, but we can still have children. I don't disagree with the whole "Adam and Eve" thing. But you have to think to yourself. If there were only two brothers (Cain and Abel), who did they "mate" with? Their mother? It doesn't justify why you "Hate" something (BTW Hate is a product of Lucifer. Not God. And judging the ideal of same-sex marriage is also the sin of pride.) We can go there if you like.