We all invested a lot of time into this game. Let's be honest. We are playing the same strikes over and over and over and over again. We are doing the same exact bounties every -blam!-ing day. We are playing the lackluster multiplayer that makes everyone feel cool and strong and has a terrible small amount of game modes and maps. Playing the same weekly shit over and over and over again hoping for exotics you will never get. Waiting for xur every -blam!-ing week and he ends up selling the same shit. Hoping for an update and it never comes. Getting excited from the weekly updates that is still to be yet put into the -blam!-ing game. And there is way more. Tell me, are you bored like me and is waiting for Black Friday or are you not bored and Is loving this game? If ur not bored and is enjoying the game, tell me why. I would very interested to hear your comment
Edit: -blam!- that said no explain why
Edit: thanks for 1 thousand replies. Hopefully bungie looks at this and see what people feel about the game
Nope. I'm very aware of my nature of binging. When something new comes out that I enjoy, I binge until it gets stale. Then my attention gets taken away back to something else I was focusing on and eventually circles around back to what I binged on. In this case, Destiny has been a big thing in my life and managed to eat two months worth of my time. That's pretty damn good and pretty common for new games I enjoy. I hit it hard and ignore everything else until I've gotten my fill and then relax. I go enjoy other things and let the stale experience marinate and reflect on it. I'm just now starting to work through my Steam Summer Sale backlog and now playing through both Darksiders while I let Destiny cool down a little. By the time it's cool the DLC will have dropped and I'll spin it back up again. The key enjoying things in a long run is moderation. People hit stuff hard. Too hard in fact. They rush and race to get though it all to experience it all only to get to the end and realized they missed everything and experienced nothing in their haste to finish. Every time I've replayed a mission, I've slowed down more to identify trouble spots, areas where I know have trouble surviving and learn to manage them. I pause to actually reflect on the half chatter Ghost is muttering and look for new details from cutscenes. I solve more of the mystery with each replay. I already know when, where, and what the spawns are and the fastest way to destroy them. So I come up with new ways to experiment on killing. I also take the time to examine the dark corners of the maps and just pause to take in the details. And if I can help it, never run group content with the same group twice. Forces me to adapt to new tactics to make up the gaps.