Learning a different play style with different supers. Playing as a hunter is way different than as a warlock. I have to be so much more careful with the hunter. Either way I enjoy it. Sorry you don't.
Edited by MR DEAL HD: 11/9/2014 3:38:33 PMDon't feel sorry, you're actually the one in the pitiful position. I'm sorry, you feel that way, really. You should see the look on my face as I type this. Very sad. Quick note: Different play styles would be Ryu compared to say, Bison. The three characters in destiny all have the same play style, sorry. Try to use thought processing instead of quick thinking.
Edited by Wittmann: 11/9/2014 3:45:55 PMSure is pitiful of me to enjoy the game that you're currently posting negative things in the forums for. Not everyone thinks like you. Most people don't think like you. Don't get down on others for enjoying something or having a different opinion. Makes you look arrogant.
What you fail to realize is it's not about what we both think, it's about facts. And the fact remains that the game is repetitive and scarce. That statement may be negative, but am I at fault for pointing out the truth? Or are the developers and executives at fault for the lackluster product they released all for profit margin and capital gain? They will continue this trend until small minded people start using their brains for more than entertaining themselves. Smh!
Still an opinion that it is repetitive and scarce. Like I said before, starting a new class, to ME (my opinion), has made the game more interesting to me. I don't have all my weapons leveled up so I'm still doing that. I still love doing the raid and am looking forward to the dlc. It is your opinion and that's fine, but don't play it off as fact.
Edited by MR DEAL HD: 11/9/2014 4:35:02 PMWhen you start your new class you do the SAME story missions, bounties etc. You rank up your weapons doing the SAME missions, bounties, strikes, etc. Is this not true? If it is then the FACT remains that the game is repetitive. You finding it interesting and me finding it not is purely OPINION. Was that easy enough for you to follow? Nod once for yes, twice for no. You my friend wittman05 are the definition of ignorant. Look it up in an oxford dictionary, please!
Good lord. Internet arguments are terrible. Blocked!
Especially if someone with a low IQ is involved. I guess you get emotional when you're proven wrong. I feel pity for your significant other.
Edited by Red Right Hand: 11/9/2014 4:04:10 PMRepetition is a problem for you. You find it boring. Makes it harder for you to enjoy the game. I get that. That doesn't mean repetition is a problem for everyone. Can you understand that? Can you respect it? Can you live in a reality where what you consider to be the "truth" and "fact" are subjective?
Never said it was a problem for everyone. But we all know simple minded individuals find repetition fun. Just look at all the games and toys for toddlers. Look how they teach children in kindergarten. Doesn't take a genius to figure out what type of people like repetition. Common sense definitely isn't common anymore.
Oh, that's cute! Then name ONE video game that is not repetitive in any way. Just one. I double-chicken-dare you. Bonus points if it can be compared to Destiny in any fashion.
Oh, you idiot. When you first get a game it is not repetitive. It BECOMES repetitive. That is why my original conversation with wittman includes the word scarcity. This is why you don't get involved in others' conversations unless you have something valid to input. In layman terms: Me and wittman05's argument has nothing to do with you. Please find something repetitive to do that can actually teach you a thing or two. Quick note for your small brain: Toddler games and toys are repetitive by nature because they are mostly for educational purposes.
So wait. All games eventually become repetitive on subsequent playthroughs. But you think Destiny is worse. Because you find it becomes repetitive on subsequent playthroughs. That makes a ton of sense. Also, you apparently found no game that involves no repetition and is deemed worthy of your mature intellect.
Edited by MR DEAL HD: 11/9/2014 4:07:14 PMHe stated that switching characters made it a new game. I was rebutting with facts, not opinions. Did I simplify it enough for you to comprehend? Do you get it? Smh. You people are quite entertaining at the moment. It's like when you're playing or talking with a pet monkey.
You replied with facts? Warlock and Hunter make Destiny the same game to you. But Ryu and Bison make Street Fighter a different game. Please explain with actual facts while trying to sound intelligent...
Edited by MR DEAL HD: 11/9/2014 4:25:29 PMWe were discussing the difference in play styles between characters in the SAME game, not the actual game. Please stay out of the conversation. You're obviously too small minded, emotional, or just plain ignorant. You're a prime example of why this is entertaining to me. You're unable to follow a simple conversation between two individuals on a forum. Lmao! • Wait for it folks, I bet he got more emotional and is about to attempt to defend his dumb statement instead of doing the intelligent thing of walking away when he's wrong. •
I'm still waiting for your elaborate factual explanation on how Hunters and Warlocks have the same gameplay experience, you know.
Told you folks he would get emotional and reply. ROFLMAO! You plebs never cease to amaze me...
That's it?!? All this arguing... and that's your reply? Again with addressing the non-existent audience and no real argument. I should have known better than feeding a troll, I guess. Unless of course you actually DO have something relevant to say, you know, about how Warlocks and Hunters have the same gameplay experience? No? More evasive fictional crowd management perhaps? Thought so.
Edited by MR DEAL HD: 11/9/2014 5:09:18 PMI'm not arguing with you. Have you not seen most of my replies. They usually contain something asking you to please stay out of the conversation. You're either bored, emotional, or a troll. Here's a copy of one of them seeing that you've proven it's hard for you to follow a simple conversation between two people on a forum: "Oh, you idiot. When you first get a game it is not repetitive. It BECOMES repetitive. That is why my original conversation with wittman includes the word scarcity. This is why you don't get involved in others' conversations unless you have something valid to input. In layman terms: Me and wittman05's argument has nothing to do with you. Please find something repetitive to do that can actually teach you a thing or two."
Oh, rest assured, I've read everything with much enjoyment. What I am doing, is actually waiting for you stop avoiding questions and to produce ONE valid argument. And for the record, this is not a private conversation: it's a public forum. Act accordingly.
You (elegantly!) avoided the question. Please explain with facts how playing with a Warlock and a Hunter is the same gameplay experience. And do us both a favor and stop acting like we have an audience. Unless of course it makes you feel more important and relevant.