I had a few days worth of playtime spread out across 3 characters on the 360 and was getting bored, but I bought the destiny ps4 bundle earlier this week and I'm having a lot of fun again. Feels like a new game again, starting over and going through the story with nothing in the vault is kind of nice. And the white ps4 is a sexy piece of hardware....
I wouldn't say it's a content issue if you're just playing the story, as there is enough there to get 15-20+ hours out of the game, and for a fps that's ok. The problem is there is not enough content to satisfy the grind. The reason nobody replays fps games time and time and time and time and time again or at least back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back without playing another game is because there's not enough content to keep it interesting. Bungie didn't get the memo haha, and force the player to grind the same light (but standard for fps) content.
I might not have a reason to come back to Destiny if using a first person view in GTA is as fun as it looks.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6I6aLCy8Ik This might end up being the first person open world game I was hoping Destiny would be haha