So, I realize in the past few months I've had more fun playing Ocarina of Time on the 3DS, watching the Twilight Zone, and playing World of Tanks than anything else. I bought Advanced Warfare, Destiny, and the new Borderlands. Yet, none of those hypey fast paced games can keep my attention. I find myself more and more wanting to just solve puzzles and game at a slower pace. Fast laced gaming seems to have lost it's appeal. I haven't truly enjoyed an FPS since Reach, but I have liked many of them.
Has anyone else noticed that as the years go on, you find less and less of an urge to be highly competitive and are content with the occasional casual multiplayer experience?
[spoiler]Pretty happy about the MM remake for the 3DS, and I may grab MH4U when it drops eventually.[/spoiler]
Same. In fact I'm more enthused with gaming videos, culture and news than actually playing games. At this point I don't want to spend time online. I want bubble baths, time for cooking or watching kids movies, reading books, and hanging out with friends in my day to day life. Texting has lost it's appeal. The internet bores me. Being inside makes me feel sick.