Hey everyone, vVvDARK WOLFvVv here, ok, so I am sure I am not the only one here who is irritated by ranking high on your team in crucible and having nothing to show for it, while the people who under-perform get legendary or even Exotic gear. So I wanted to throw out a proposal for making the crucible loot system a bit more skill based, Here it is:
[i]Winning Team:[/i]
- Everyone gets loot
- Top 3 on team gets 2 items of Rare or Legendary status with a [u]SMALL[/u] chance of [b]ONE[/b] Exotic. (Lets say 1st has 5% chance of exotic, 2nd has 3% chance of exotic, 3rd has 1%chance of exotic, or some variation)
- Remaining 3 gets one Rare (or uncommon if below lv20) with a chance of legendary based on performance (Lets say a 5% for Legendary for 4th, a 3% for 5th, and a 1% for 6th, or some variation)
[i]Losing Team:[/i]
- Everyone with a 0.5 K/D [b]OR HIGHER[/b] gets loot
- The top 3 on team, if above 0.5 K/D, get 2 pieces of loot with Rare quality and a chance of a legendary, no chance of Exotic (Lets say 5% for 1st, 3% for 2nd, 1% for 3rd, or some variation)
- The Remaining 3, If above 0.5 K/D can only get Rare (or uncommon if below lvl20) quality loot No chance of higher rarity.
Of course this is always open to discussion, this is just a basic template I came up with, and player performance, especially for the losing team, is a variable, but I think that this would be a good starting point to look at for the crucible loot system
I look forward to and appreciate all feedback and I also want to see what ideas other people come up with for a crucible loot system
TL;DR: Still no, Stop looking and I will stop trolling! lol
I do agree that the PvP rewards system needs a change, but I have slightly different ideas on how it should work. If you're interested, [url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/74333282/0/0]here's my thread.[/url]