originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
Need to finish raid today before reset, atheon cp, need 5 to help me, I'm lvl 28 hunter with mic
Atheon check point.. lvl29 titan with multiple times thru...
Still doin it? Need to finish before reset
Three here ready if we get a hole group
Edited by RUtHLES5 954: 11/10/2014 9:42:35 PMGimmie a minute I have 2 others what's your gt
Same as name above
27 warlock. I'll join
What time? I can help tonight. 29 titan.
Il probably try again later tonight
I was doing it earlier but we didn't beat it, the game was glitching
Gamertag: xBlackEffect
I'm lvl 27 hunter
I can join?
Gt is court jester082