originally posted in:Xbox 360 Raid Finder
[u]Post The Following Only If You Are Hosting A Raid.[/u]
Raid - ( Vault Of Glass / Crota's End)
Raid Level -
Raid Checkpoint -
Gamertag -
Class/Level -
Mic (y/n) -
Spots Available -
[b]The person posting will be the Raid Leader.[/b]
- If you wish to join the raid please reply to the host.
[u]Respond to the person hosting the raid using this format.[/u]
Gamertag -
Class/Level -
Mic (y/n) -
[b]The host of the raid will post a notification when the lobby is full.[/b]
Hey, I have a hard Templar save xbox 360. Looking for people 30+. Need 5 people.
Spetnaz9542 Warlock level 30 Mic yes Crota
Raid - Vault Of Glass Raid Level - normal 26 Raid Checkpoint - 2 Gamertag - GM TacoMan Class/Level - hunter 27 I have a mic
[quote][u]Post The Following Only If You Are Hosting A Raid.[/u] Raid - ( Vault Of Glass / Crota's End) Raid Level - Raid Checkpoint - Gamertag - Class/Level - Mic (y/n) - Spots Available - [b]The person posting will be the Raid Leader.[/b] - If you wish to join the raid please reply to the host. - Do not post looking for group (LFG). - Your post will be deleted if you are not hosting a raid. [u]Respond to the person hosting the raid using this format.[/u] Gamertag - Class/Level - Mic (y/n) - [b]The host of the raid will post a notification when the lobby is full.[/b][/quote] Gamertag - kenpo09 Class/Level - hunter/28 Mic (y/n) - n
Croats end raid Gt:TIMTHEAMERICAN Xbox 360 Warlock lvl 32 Yes I have a mic.
Have 3 2 lvl 31 and 1 lvl 30 looking for atheon on hard sgtauvil79
Spetnaz9542 Warlock 28 Mic yes Crotas end
Crota raid fresh need 2 more people warlock ptegerably with Rez for cheese etc gt same as above Msg for inv
Vault of glass hard level 30+ fresh Gt same as above
VOG Hard Lol 31 hunter and titan Preferably oracle cp but will do full raid Have maxed raid weapons and Gjallarhorn Invite me same gt
Any1 have gorgon save hard Xbox360 Gt same as above
Lfg to do crotas end or VoG on hard. Pm Slo mo Joe2 or Death byKELSO for invite
Doing Atheon on normal. Lvl 28+ need 2 more people.
Croats end checkpoint final boss I need 5 ppl for it message me on here? Or my 360 gt J Quay
Hunter lvl 31 I have atheon cp With mic Lo ok omg for hard vog Gt same as above
Need anyone to help get an exotic bounty I need to do the summoning pits message me on Xbox
Vog lol 30. Mic yes 3 slots open. Saved on atheon
Crota Normal Fresh 29+ 2 spots available
http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/584237 http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/584237
Lvl 30 warlock, fresh vog lookin to start one up or join in... Gt: Hollow I
Raid - Vault Of Glass Raid Level - 26 Raid Checkpoint - n/a Gamertag - tek_angeleus Class/Level - warlock 30 Mic (y/n) - y Spots Available - 4
Gt: Jacobminigun Raid: crota end Checkpoint: death singers Xbox 360 is what I'm on
Need 4 for VOG normal. message me to join or me and The Gort can join a game I am lvl 29 Titan The Gort is lvl 28 warlock
VOG Normal looking to help out low levels we are level 31 with maxed gear
Looking for people to do the vault of glass on hard Gt is same as name xbox 360
VoG raid normal Gatekeeper checkpoint message me for invite GT same as above