originally posted in:TeamHyper
I'm trying to do a full playthrough of Vault of Glass on normal before the weekly reset, so I'm looking for a team to do it with in advance so I won't be left hanging when I'm actually online.
I've played VoG twice, made it to Atheon, but never beat it, so I have limited experience.
I'm a level 29 warlock, and I have a mic. My PSN is dariusjr98. I'd also like to get the "Raiding Party" trophy done at the same time, so make sure you set this as your PlayStation clan. My friends list is nearly full, so I'll have to delete some of you after we finish the Raid.
Let me know your level, class, and PSN down below, but send me a friend request instead of me sending one to each of you to make this easier. Make sure you're ready in about 1-2 hours, I'll come back here to let you know I'm ready.
I'll go add me
Still need about 3 or 4 more people.
I'm about to log in right now, need more people.
29 hunter sgtrowyo