Based on [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Where-can-I-get-info-about-the-Destiny-next-gen-di/en/Help/Article/12122]this page[/url] from help.bungie.net, it says that everything, including all gear, transfers/syncs between consoles within the same family - such as between Xbox 360 and Xbox One.
The final Q/A on the page reads:
[quote][b]Guardians, Stats, and Gear
Q. Will my Guardians, progress, stats, and gear carry over when I download and play the next-gen version?[/b]
Yes. Whether you participate in this program or not, [b][u]your Guardians, progress, stats, and gear are shared within a console family[/u][/b] (PlayStation®3 ↔ PlayStation®4 or Xbox 360 ↔ Xbox One) and will be waiting for you when you transition to next-gen.[/quote]
Based on the above question and answer, it makes it seem like [u][b]everything[/b][/u] transfers between the consoles. However, my special edition Sparrow that I received as a pre-order bonus for Xbox 360 does not work on Xbox One. It [b][i]does[/b][/i] show in my inventory of gear for my Guardian, but when I go to equip it, it says "Pre-order bonus purchase required" and I cannot equip it. But it shows in my inventory just where I left it on Xbox 360.
I thought that [i]everything[/i] was supposed to sync between the consoles? Based on the information Bungie has provided it certainly sounds that way, anyway. Has anyone else encountered this issue, or is it just a problem with my account? Has anyone been able to find a solution for this problem?
Thanks for any info or assistance - any help is appreciated.
Okay, I got it. It's very simple. Go to the xbox one games market place, go to game add ons, and there, you'll be able to download your bonuses for free