originally posted in:Thorny Guardians
I need Help with Xyor on the Thorn bounty please. :) I play on PS3, my PSN is EvilDeathX. I'm a level 29 Hunter with friends that give up at the first loss. *sigh* been stuck for about a week on this one. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm usually online from 5PM to about midnight(central US time) with exception to tomorrow, and Saturdays. I usually play a bit in the mornings as well. Thanks again everyone. Oh and I tried sending an application to join the clan but it kept telling me it couldn't send because it was addressed to too many people. Am I doing something wrong?
*EDIT* Anyone is welcome to add me as a friend, just note that you are a thorny guardian in your friend request. :) I'll do what I can to help out anyone else as well.
Add me MathBed for ps3 if its not done