Explain why or why not Destiny is or isn't on your top 10.
[b]Update:[/b] and just as i suspected. the destiny fanboys top 10 are all full of FPS and just plain bad and corny games. some people really surprised me by not having many shooters at all in their lists but still having destiny
You guys should really either expand your gaming selections, or play SOMETHING other than a shooter...
I think you'd find there are MUCH better games out there as long as you're willing to go outside your comfort zone.
Top ten... Final fantasy IX Final fantasy VI Halo CE Halo ODST (for the unique campaign) Halo reach (same) LoZ: a Link to the past LoZ: wind waker LoZ: ocarina of time Forza horizon (1 / 2) Destiny There are so many games it's hard to make a top ten. But those games I could play endlessly. There is a chance I would change out reach with amped 2 or thrasher skate & destroy but that's only because I have other halo titles up there already.