I honestly have no idea what possessed me to go in there, all I know is that I'm still alive. So far I've encountered,
1. CoD is the best game ever threads
2. Minecraft is the best game ever threads
3. "SkyDoesMinecraft, Smosh and PewDiePie are the best YouTubers ever xD"
4. Anime threads
5. I'm leaving threads
6. MLP threads
7. Little kids insulting with horrendous grammar
8. Song lyrics threads to cringy rap songs
9. Console war threads
10. "There should be a crossover of Minecraft and CoD"
11. Cringe threads in general
12. "Mostar high lovers
Who love Mostar high"
(They mean Monster High. The TV show for little girls.)
13. RP threads
[b]*Shoots self in foot with revolver*[/b]
How much de-totaded wam to a zervir
How do you tame a horse in Minecraft
Sounds like the usual crap here.
Bump because people need to see the horror
just reading that makes me wanna.... *feels possessed* *pulls out gun* *BLAM* *iz dedz*
What forums did you go into?
Did you die on the inside?
I cri eritieem
Edited by Falka: 2/28/2015 2:32:26 PMOh gawd Someone post a video called the most awkward moments of minecon.. That was horrific
No terraria hate threads?? Progress!
Rippy dippy
The game is a good one, but the fan base is one of the worst.
Should I grab my lancer?
How did you get out??
Not sure what Minecraft forum u went to but bleach please
What is the weccomended amount of dedotaded wam I should have to a server?
Just went there and got banned
I didn't know such a place even existed... Should I prep the nuclear bombardment procedures?
Hahaha your username made me lol
[quote][quote] This time, throwing it out of the window. [/quote] It would really ruin your day to be just strolling past the hospital, not a care in the world, and out of nowhere get torpedoed by a flying penis.[/quote]
Well Flood, when do we stage our little -- invasion?
Isn't there a indie 360 game that puts minecraft and cod into one??
Besides Cod and monster high this sounds like these forums