I honestly have no idea what possessed me to go in there, all I know is that I'm still alive. So far I've encountered,
1. CoD is the best game ever threads
2. Minecraft is the best game ever threads
3. "SkyDoesMinecraft, Smosh and PewDiePie are the best YouTubers ever xD"
4. Anime threads
5. I'm leaving threads
6. MLP threads
7. Little kids insulting with horrendous grammar
8. Song lyrics threads to cringy rap songs
9. Console war threads
10. "There should be a crossover of Minecraft and CoD"
11. Cringe threads in general
12. "Mostar high lovers
Who love Mostar high"
(They mean Monster High. The TV show for little girls.)
13. RP threads
[b]*Shoots self in foot with revolver*[/b]
Sounds like destiny forums
Welcome back brother. Cleanse your sins within the pool of threads and forget those foolish pleb forums. It's good to have you back.
Do they praise Notch as God?
in the foot? quit playin' dead wuss.
How did it feel going to B.net forums 2.0?
[quote][b]*Shoots self in foot with revolver*[/b] [b]*Ded*[/b][/quote] Nooooo! How will we combat Desticles without our commander?!
Soooo it looks like the Flood you mean to say
Who punched you in the face and told you to go there?
Cha feel
If #Destiny and #OffTopic had a retarded baby, I would imagine that would be the result.
I think your first mistake was going to another forum for a game that little kids trying to be tobuscus go to.
Needs more dedicated wam
Why ?
And yet this place still has more rp threads from what you're saying.
Did you catch the autism
That's the destiny forums.
It's not like this place is any better
[i] [/i]
Sounds like #Density.
I shivered...
Are they excited about the Dark Below?
Did you get sanitized before entering bungie again? We wouldn't want a infection to start again!
[quote] [b]*Vomits*[/b] [b]*Shoots self in foot with revolver*[/b] [b]*Ded*[/b][/quote]
The cringe is strong with them....
I've never been on those forums, but when I bought minecraft during indev (like right after alpha I think, it was ages ago) nobody knew about minecraft. Then skip forward a year, it's like a pretty cool community for the most part. Then when it got super popular and spread everywhere, all the idiots flooded and I kinda just got bored of it and haven't played since.
Oh nooooooooooo.