I honestly have no idea what possessed me to go in there, all I know is that I'm still alive. So far I've encountered,
1. CoD is the best game ever threads
2. Minecraft is the best game ever threads
3. "SkyDoesMinecraft, Smosh and PewDiePie are the best YouTubers ever xD"
4. Anime threads
5. I'm leaving threads
6. MLP threads
7. Little kids insulting with horrendous grammar
8. Song lyrics threads to cringy rap songs
9. Console war threads
10. "There should be a crossover of Minecraft and CoD"
11. Cringe threads in general
12. "Mostar high lovers
Who love Mostar high"
(They mean Monster High. The TV show for little girls.)
13. RP threads
[b]*Shoots self in foot with revolver*[/b]
Oh nooooooooooo.
Minecraft kids right there
Sounds like here.
I would imagine it's terrible. I think the actual servers are worse.
Edited by hyenaedon: 12/14/2014 4:54:42 PMI hope your not infected...
Oh my god. The horror
Welp, I'm going in. Wish me luck.
Dont worry. I am the offtopic head spy, survivalist and recon guy. Were going to have to ask you a few questions. Dont worry. Is the safety of #offtopic compromised?
This belongs in #Destiny because that's what you're describing.
Nuke that place. We have to cleanse the infection.
Bump for shits and giggles
Nice, shoot I pass the door #Minecraft? I@' curious to see what's behind those doors now. unless it's not worth it.