So if someone doesn't get any VOG raid gear but plays the Dark Below on normal and gets raid gear then can that person level up to 32?
or do you have to have VOG gear and upgrade to TDB raid gear to level up to 32 only? Even lvl 30's not will have to get new gear which mean dismantling VOG raid gear for new TDB gear. Asking because I am lvl 28 hunter with no raid gear and I read that TDB will have level 28 & 32 to raid which I can still do it. I have done VOG 3 times and no luck with raid gear.
Will introduce new equip with more light
Play more vault to get your gear. I have three level 30s...
How many times can someone play VOG on normal during the reset period to get loot? I did it last week and go some A shards, Atheons gun and a Cloak..I did it the next day and got nothing on everything. Like today I am doing it when I get home and I am pretty sure I'll get something, can I still get more loot tomorrow when I do it again? I want to do Hard VOG but at lvl 28 it's too difficult unless I have all 30's to carry me and groups only want 29's or 30's. or each week to get loot on VOG you have to do it normal and hard but once completed you are done for the week until next reset?
I had two warlocks going thru each week until I got a 30. Then two titans each week till 30. Then I had one hunter, but I spent the whole weekend erasing him and rebuilding him, putting on his Lvl 29 gear and running him through the nightfall and raid. I got to level 29, should be able to reach that with all legendary and one exotic piece. Then hit the forums to find hard raid groups. Not to mention I found a clan and they are all amazing. Mostly level 30s. Now I got my three 30s. But I did work for it. Try it tho, bank all your gear and reroll from the beginning. 9 to 10 hours with a friend to get from 0 to 20... the straight to nightfall and raid. Not to mention I had like 100 strange coins last weekend haha
Also, don't bother with the regular raid. Try to get all your drops on hard mode. I never got any gear out of the regular raid. Just 10+ chatterwhites