originally posted in:Secular Sevens
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The point was raised in HM Rob's thread, in a strange manner that didn't work so well.
So here's a direct question for the atheists of Secular Sevens; what would it take for you to become a Christian?
It's difficult to sway somebody to your side when religion has been used as a tool to control the masses out of fear or to rule over others since you "Speak to God." Furthermore, when there have been SO MANY religions in the history or mankind, and we have gone from Gods to God, its difficult to make someone believe you lol trust me, i've tried. To sway the really non believers, you'd need Jesus himself to come down here and show the world he is real.
Prove jesus was
He said he was (punishable by death, which is what happened), he acted like he was (miracles, etc.), and taught things that were completely contradictory to the times they lived in. You might even call them modern (gender equality, etc.). They definitely weren't like political ideas that change gradually over time. People who knew him believed it enough to die (not for political power like early Muslim martyrs). Jesus was either who he said he was, or a complete lunatic, or one of the most evil liars of all time. What did he have to gain by claiming he was God, but refusing to lead a rebellion against the occupying Romans? That was a popular notion among Palestinian Jews of the time, and would have gained him significant political power.